idk what to name this -the promised neverland

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little: ray

cg: norman


tw sh, harmful thoughts tw will be before the parts where its mentioned

they are all fifteen ray also was shipped to lambda as well as norman. they escaped together and ray is considered a boss as well as norman. they have not found emma and the others yet. when ever ray is out of his and normans room he is always either holding normans hand or clinging to his shirt.

since they escaped rays mental state had been terrible he started self harming and not eating properly. he hadent been sleeping well if he slept at all.  norman noticed something was up with ray and he was worried. he wanted to help his boyfriend but didnt know how. when ever he asked him ray would just brush it off and ignore him. 

normans pov:

"ray can i come in?" i knock on our bed room door. 

"yeah" he says quietly.

i open the door and walk in to the room closing the door behind me. he's lying on our bed huddled up under the blanket. he's been crying. his face is wet.

"what's wrong?" I ask sitting down on the bed next to him. ray just covers his face in the blanket. "ray whats wrong" 

tw for self harm start

"im sorry" he mumbles quietly 

"for what?" i ask a little worried.

he looks down at his arms. i feel my self start to panic a bit. but i try to hide it. "can i look at your arm. he doesn't respond. so i gently take the blanket off him and roll up his sleves. there are few cuts on his arm. "come here" i say picking him up and carying him bridal style to the bathroom. "ill cleen up your cuts" 

i gently cleen up his cuts. "ok this is going to sting a bit" i say. he winces as i run an achole swab across his arm.  

"daddy" he says "herts" 

"i know baby im almost done and then we can cuddle" i grab badages and wrap up his arm up tigghtly to make sure it wont bleed anymore. 

tw for self harm end

"there all done". he jumps into my arms and shoves his face into my chest. i rub his back and pick him up. carrying him back to bed. i grab his paci and his blanky. he greatfuly exepts them as i sit down on the bed. he cuddles into me more if thats even possible. i pull the covers over us and soon we both fall asleep.

ok so im on summer brake now and yes i do live in the Southern Hemisphere so yeah it is summer and cristmas for me. i have a six week brake so im gonna try and write more. that was a really weird rant so sorry for that

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