Chapter 6

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I was confused, I thought it was over. I thought killing, torturing, or lying is over. What if this was just the beginning. My pulse was racing. People are gonna die.

Maybe it's just a joke, a sick joke. I placed the picture near the sink then walked out off the room to get broom out of the supply closet.

I finally grabbed the broom from the supply closet and walked back into the bathroom.

I started sweeping the glass into a pile and cleaned it up. While I was sweeping immediately the window above the bathtub shattered and I back up. Unfortunately I stepped onto the pile of glass.

"Ah fuck." I winced and leaped into the room and sat on the bed to lift my injured foot up to my knee to look at it. Bits of glass went into my foot. Blood was dripping.

My phone went off behind me and I flinched. I turned my head and glared at my phone.

I got onto one foot and hopped to the phone I picked it up and looked at the message.

It said,
'One last chance before anyone gets killed, let's make a deal. -F'

What the hell is wrong with this person or who is this person?

I gritted my teeth feeling angry and nervous.

"I thought it's over!" I yelled and hit the bed. I hit the bed a several times to let out my anger.

"Jax?" I heard a soft voice and I looked over.

"Riley." I replied and let out a breath and plopped onto the bed.

"What is going on?" She asked as she enters the room with Paige in her arms.

"I accidentally shattered the window now and I stepped on the puddle of broken glass I was sweeping ." I lied again, but I just want us to be happy and all.

"Oh, you okay?" She walked over to me with Paige and sat next to me. I smiled as I looked over to Paige.

"Yeah I guess. I just need to get this glass out of my foot then clean up the mess." I nodded with a smile and stroke Paige's feet which is stretched out.

"Alright, I hope you're gonna be okay." she chuckled and stood on her feet then gave me a gave a kiss on my forehead.

"Yeah." I whispered and let her leave the room. I started to tear up a little, not because of the glass in my foot because of my brand new family. I'm glad that Riley is part of my life and Paige who is just a day old. Now, I'm getting threatened about my brand new family.



"All done." I muttered as I just finished sweeping the broken glass after I got the glass out of my foot and wrapped it with bandage.

I groaned in frustration and walked out of the bathroom. I was still in my boxers because I didn't have time to put on some pants or a shirt while I was be threatened.

I randomly grabbed a shirt and put it on while I walked downstairs.

"All done?" I heard Riley as I spot her on the couch cuddling with our daughter

"Yep, the glass is gone and my cut is cleaned up. Also the glass guy is coming tomorrow so that will be done." I smirked and joined her on the couch.

"Hey Paige." I whispered to Paige as I leaned closer to kiss her cheek.

"Here, she hasn't seen her dad all day." Riley smiled and handed me Paige.

"I'll cook dinner since you cleaned up the mess upstairs." Riley chuckled and got onto her feet to go into the kitchen.

"Hey pretty girl." I cooed to Paige and stroked her small face. Paige gently smiled for the first time. As she smiled I smiled.

"I love you." I whispered and kissed her cheek.

Why now? Why does this person who threatened me about my family do it now? It's not fair, not what after what I've been through. God I just want a nice normal life not a crappy life. My brand new daughter had just been born yesterday. I can't let 'F' torture my family or friends, I would let him torture me instead without hurting my family or friends.

Why now?


Sorry if this chapter sucked but ugh I feel bad for Jaxon and his life.

(Q): who do you think is 'F'?

(Fact): I am referring the threatening and F as Pretty Little Liars. F is A.

Thank You.

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