Chapter 8

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"Why are you packing?" I heard Riley enter to room spotting me packing the hell up.

Earlier after Riley told me about Rodney's accident, I knew I had to make the deal. So I texted 'F' back, Let's make the deal.

The deal was... to leave my family and never come back. I know it's fucked up but it's the right thing to do. To keep everyone safe.

"Oh, um I'm gonna go to see Rodney at the hospital and I have to go to California to film a movie." I lied about the California part to make sure if she doesn't go and find me. The hospital part is true, I'm gonna go visit Rodney then get the hell away from this town.

It's hard, because I'm leaving Riley... again but this time I'm leaving my own daughter who was just born a few days ago. It's fucked up but the right thing. I don't want this 'F' person to hurt anyone but he is hurting me by leaving my own family.

"Oh, you could've told me not leave right away." Riley said softly as she walked over to me placing her hand on my back making me flinch a little.

I turned around and held her hips.

"I know." I whispered while I was looking at her soft lips. I leaned in and gave her a small kiss.

"I'm gonna miss you." I wrapped my arms around her small body and took a deep breath.

This is really fucked up, I want to stay and live my life but now this person is threatening me about my brand new family. God why.

"I'll miss you too. I love you." Riley whispered back as she messed with my hair. I fake a small smile and started to tear up.

"Are you crying?" She asked as she placed her cold hands on my cheeks.

"No, I had something in my eye." I chuckled softly as I placed my hand over hers on my cheek. Riley smiled and hugged me again.

What if this is the last time I ever see her again. God I hate this 'F' guy who is now ruining my life.

"Alright, well I better go say bye to Paige." I pursed my lips to keep me from crying because I'm saying goodbye to my own newborn daughter.

"Yeah." Riley nodded and let me go. I walked out of the room while Riley follows me from behind. I walked into Paige's room and looked over into the crib.

Paige was sleeping peacefully, looking beautiful as ever.
I slowly placed my bag down and gently pick up Paige from her crib.

"Hey Paige, I'm sorry if I had to leave you grow up without a daddy. Someday I'll come back and finally meet you." I whispered into her small ear hoping that she would understand and she gently smiled. I chuckled and kissed her forehead then place her back into her crib.

"Bye." I said softly, taking a last look of Paige then walked out of the room with my bag and Riley.

"How long are you gonna be gone?" She asked waiting for my answer. Long enough to keep my family safe.

"I don't know." I shrugged and she furrowed her brows, I smiled in sadness.

"Well I hope you will be back soon." she pursed her lips crossing her arms, I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her one last time, smelling her  gorgeous hair for the last time.

"I'll be back soon I promise." I thinned my lips looking at her, I kissed her on the lips for the last time. I'm definitely gonna miss them because they are part of my life.

"Bye, I love you." I kissed her hand and let go, I walked down the stairs towards the door. Tears were shed, I didn't want to leave at all. I want to stay but if I do then people will get hurt.

I entered my car and hit the steering wheel.

"Why!" I let out all my anger out by hitting the steering wheel. God I'm so stupid, maybe I shouldn't leave but people will die.

Ugh, what am I gonna do now.


"Um, Rodney Peters." I told the front office person at the hospital, I'm gonna see Rodney and leave him a note.

"Ah yes, it's down the hall room 19" the guy pointed and I thanked him then rushed towards Rodney's room.

I slowly opened the door and noticed Rod in the hospital bed in coma and a cast around his body. I let out a sigh and sat in the chair next to the bed.

"Hey bud." I said in a sad voice, of course he can't hear me or anything but it's nice to talk to him.

"I hope you're okay and all. You are one lucky son of a bitch to be alive." I chuckled as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Um, well I'm just gonna leave this note right here in your hand in case you wake up and read it. Also, I'm glad you're okay." I nearly choked up because this is depressing and sad.

"Well, take care now. Please tell Kade to protect my girl." I burst into tears, I immediately got up and ran out of the room to calm myself.

I quickly got out of the hospital wiping my tears away as I got into my car.

I fucking hope 'F' got what he wants because it's fucked up.


Oh, poor Jax :( I'm sorry if this was extremely sad because I nearly cried while writing this. Ugh I wish F never existed or whatever. Jaxon didn't deserve that.

(Q:) What do you think Jaxon wrote in that note when he gave it to Rodney while he was in coma?
(Fact:) my vine account is
{chìll evan}

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