Chapter 10

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"Just give me 4 shots of the strongest tequila you have." I told the guy behind the counter he nodded and went straight to it.

I sighed and looked around, just a couple of drunk folks and a few people talking. Before I left the hotel room I just dyed my hair, it's now light brown. I didn't really bother at all.

"Here you go sir." the guy placed the shot glass in front of me.

"Thanks, cheers." I grabbed a glass and rose up in the air and immediately drank it. "Damn." I made and face and shook it off, that is some strong stuff.

"Hello, are you new in this town?" A black guy came up and sat in the chair next to me.

"Yeah, why?" I took the next shot and winced at the strong taste.

"Well, we need some people to join the military. Care to check it out?" The guy pulled out a paper with information on it.

"Yeah sure." I set the shot glass down and grabbed the paper. I notice Uncle Sam on top of the paper pointing at you saying 'We want you!'

I looked down and read the information about joining the army. Maybe I should do this. Easier way to burn off some time.

"So are you good enough to join?" The dude got my attention and I looked up. I thought about it for a moment.
This is perfect to get stronger and finally be capable to beat 'F'

"Sure, hell yeah." I smiled and shook his hand while he chuckled.

"Well I'm glad, training starts next week so hopefully you can join us." I nodded and he finally left me alone. Joining the army wouldn't be so bad I thought.


I tripped and fell over onto the ground. Everything was blurry and moving. I was unbalanced when I got back onto my feet.

I staggered to my room and pull out my key, I tried getting it into the hole(that's what she said, okay no) it took me like five minutes to finally get it through the hole.

I finally got the door to opened but unfortunately I fell on my face. I was in the door way so the door hit my shoulder.

"Fuck." I slurred and closed my eyes.

"Sir, you okay?" I heard a man voice I opened my eyes and looked who it was. It looked like a guy who works here at this hotel, for a reason he looks like a squirrel.

"Oh hell yeah, I'm fine." I slurred once again and got onto my feet as the door hit me again.

"Well okay, be careful." He pushed the door against the wall.

"Fuck yah, good night pal." I tried to punch his shoulder but I missed so I fell again on top of the squirrel guy.

"Sir you're drunk." he admitted as he pushed me off of him, getting up cleaning himself up.

"Nah I'm not that drunk I swear." I slowly hesitate to get back onto my feet.

"Okay if you say so, but let me help you." He grabbed my arm and helped me into my room and I landed onto the bed.

"Here's your key, don't lose it." he made sure of me and patted my back.

"Yeah get out." I muttered while he pursed his lips and got out of my room.

I'm not letting damn squirrel take my nuts. God I'm fucking drunk. I rolled onto my back but it made me slide off the bed landing on the hard floor.

"Ow fuck." I muttered and closed my eyes, I literally passed out.

*Next morning*

I woke up by a headache and the smell of beer and tequila all over me. Also I got woken by of the sound of knocking on my door.

I groaned and rubbed my eyes, I realize I was on the floor. What happen last night?

I immediately got off the ground and walked to the door. I opened the door and noticed a guy who looks for some reason like a squirrel.

"Yes, may I help you?" I yawned as I fold my arms over my chest.

"Hey, I don't think you remember but you were drunk last night and I wanted to check on you." my eyes widen, oh.

"Oh shit, sorry if I was crazy last night." I apologized and he glared at me.

"No worries, you just fell on top of me and that's all." I feel really embarrassed, God poor guy.

"Here, takes some cash." I pulled out some money from my pocket and handed it to him.

"Thanks, be careful." he faced me a small smile and left. I groaned and shut the door. I need breakfast and coffee also a refreshing shower.

I walked into the small bathroom and stripped myself naked then turned on the water. I waited patiently for the water to be warm and finally hopped in. I feel the water hitting against my bareback and down. I washed my hair and my body to get rid of that alcohol smell off of me.

God, I shouldn't drank a lot last night.


Sorry, if this update sucked a little but guess what. In a few chapters there is gonna be some surprises :) I can't wait to update that chapter where someone familiar comes back.

(Q:) Do you think Jaxon should join the army or not?
(Fact:) My favorite candy is Kit Kat

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