The text

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The notification glared at Bakugou through the screen. A text from an unknown number sent chills down his spine as he read it.

[Miss me Dynamight?]
[Read 10:37am]
He stared at the text the colour draining out of his face, his eyes wide from fear. Should he respond? Who was it? It couldn't be could it..? Millions of possibilities flooded through his brain as he sat watching the three dots appear on his phone screen.

[Don't think that I've forgotten, I'll be seeing you very soon young hero]
[Read 10:41am]
Bakugou threw his phone at the wall frantically looking around his office searching in every cupboard, behind the curtain, around the corner of the door. Nothing. But he still felt eyes on him. Watching. Always watching.

Who would he be seeing soon? Has his past finally caught up with him? No it can't. He won't let it. Briskly he walked out of his office outside without looking back his hands sparking frantically. He felt suffocated in his own body his lungs seemingly not being able to hold enough oxygen. The little voice in his head told him to run. Run like he always did when he was afraid. That was always how to got out of these things. He ran from his mother, from the death of his father, from his relationship from everyone and everything that ever made him feel something.

He fell to his knees clutching his chest as his breathing grew rapid and his thoughts ran wild. His hands trembles sparks flickering in his hands. It burnt but he couldn't make it stop. So he ran. He ran and he didn't look back as he sprinted down the streets of the bustling city. Blanking the flashing cameras that seemed to chase him or the whispers amongst the public in the streets. Bakugou ran and he ran and he ran until he slumped into the front door of an apartment frantically banging on it over and over again.

Ochako opened the door in confusion taking his hand to stop him from knocking.
"Bakugou what's wrong..what are you doing here?" She looked over his eyes searching for a reason to his panicked behaviour. He fell into her arms clutching her tightly his shoulders shaking as he held on to her. The brunette slowly ran her hand up and down his back as he clung to her.
"It's ok...shh it's ok I got you.." She led him inside and shut the front door behind her getting him to sit on her couch. She wrapped a blanket over his shoulders letting him hold her for a while allowing him to calm down before he could finally talk to her. He let himself be vulnerable with her, she was the only person that he could ever let his guard down with.

Bakugou mumbled under his breath
"He's back..."

Of all the stars  (A kacchako story) Where stories live. Discover now