An unasked favour

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Each week passed slowly for Bakugou. Everything he did he felt as if it would be the last time he did it. Constantly the dread of AFO being right around the corner haunted him, he couldn't escape the fear that has consumed him since first year. He was terrified in all honesty. But only she knew about that. Countless night over the past 2 months he had spent sleeping on her couch, too afraid to be alone at night. Every time he was there he felt his love for her grow desperate but he had to bury those feelings deep down because she was someone else's.

This particular evening Bakugou sat upon the rooftop scouting the area on a patrol. He watched the city lights come to life the darker the night sky became. It was beautiful, just the sight of the city made it unbelievable that such evil lived within it. The hero watched the world from above, it almost seemed peaceful from so high up. Time felt as if it had stopped completely. For the first time in a while he felt content with his own company. Until a voice rang in his intercom. A voice that did not belong to any of his team. At first the voice came out in crackled whispers, a harsh tone that sounded almost inhuman. But then it became clear exactly who was talking to him.

"I hope you haven't forgotten about me Katsuki Bakugou." The voice belonging to the root of all his trauma rung through his ears. Bakugou looked around him searching for any sign of someone near him. But there was nobody around. It was just him. The voice called out again.
"You have something I want and sooner or later you will give in to me you will succumb to my power." AFO cackled through the intercom before a loud shrieking noise came blasting through the intercom speaker.

Bakugou's ears rang the high pitch shriek stunning him for a moment. Once he regained focus he blasted himself off the rooftop landing back in the dark alleyways of the streets. He shouted out calling for someone. Anyone. But nobody could hear him. He ran down the alleys that seemed so much like a maze trying to find his way out. The path was dark no light from the street lamps seemed to reach the alleys but he could not stop running. The blonde ran until he froze in his tracks as a figure stood before him at the end of the street stood under a dimly lit street lamp that flickered on and off. All he could hear was the sound of his own breathing and his heart pounding in his chest as if it was trying to escape.

The figure leant against a silver cane taking a drag from a cigarette. The smoke emitting from it travelled through the air and Bakugou watched in fear as the man's mouth turned up into a twisted grin.
"Hello Katsuki, it's been a long time hasn't it?" AFO's voice was chilling he spoke with great care emphasising his words. He watched as the hero tended up mere metres away from him but he didn't attempt to approach him. He wanted to cause him great pain but the villain wanted to have some fun with it all first.
"I heard you and your little girlfriend broke sad." AFO chuckled to himself stubbing the cigarette out with his foot.
"She's quite the pretty little thing isn't she?"
"Leave her out of this.." Bakugou spoke through gritted teeth. He glared at the man before him his eyes searching for a way out.
"Hm..soon enough I am going to ask something of you Katsuki Bakugou, and you're going to do it." AFO took a step forward towards the trembling blonde. He leant forward as he spoke again.
"Or I will kill everything you have ever by one whilst you watch."

And with that he was gone leaving Bakugou sinking to his knees in the darkness.

Of all the stars  (A kacchako story) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora