I need you

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Katsuki felt the blood drain from his face as fear washed over him like a wave at the sight of AFO standing in his doorway.
"May I come in?" AFO walked past the boy standing in his office looking around leaning against the wooden desk all whilst Bakugou sat there in fear trembling.
"Oh come now Dynamight I told you I was going to return did I not? Besides I'm going to need you to do that favour for me earlier than I thought." AFO leant on his cane looking over the hero. Bakugou shook is head his palms sparking.
"I'm not doing shit for you.." Bakugou spat at the villain trying to compose himself. But how he could he hide his fear of this man? He had endured months of suffering in his hands and he remembered every little detail at it. So much that he relived the events of the kidnapping in his mind whenever he would close his eyes at night. AFO laughed before pulling the blonde back to him by the arm holding him up by the shirt. Bakugou struggled until he felt a cold blade against his throat. He froze.

Don't move. Don't think. Don't feel.

That's all Bakugou could tell himself as AFO spoke to him in hushed whispers.
"There's something I need you to do for me..a simple task really saying as you've lead many to their inevitable end..." AFO watched the grief fill his crimson eyes and his heart sink as he recalled every person he had let down. Everyone he had lost. Just like his father...
AFO pressed the blade against his neck firmly to force him to listen to the favour he was about to ask of him.

"Kill Izuku Midoriya."

"What..?" Bakugou finally looked up at him in shock at his request. He was a hero not a villain why would he ever murder someone?
"You will get me his blood I need his quirk..now don't forget if you fail this task Dynamight I will be forced to turn to my little promise?" AFO took the blade away from the hero's neck finally taking a step back. The sound of Katsuki's heavy breathing filled the room as he just stared in shock unable to string a sentence together. All he could do was slowly shake his head and quiver a helpless


AFO laughed an eerie laugh that sent chills along his victims spine.
"Then maybe I should remind me you just what happens when you disobey my orders Dynamight.." AFO's tone fell menacing and cold as if he had no remorse for his actions, which he did not. He liked the power, the pain he caused people. He thrived on it. Watching the number two hero squirm at his words brought his joy. He was sick. He was dangerous.

AFO pulled out his blade causing Bakugou to scramble away from his his palms alight holding them in front of himself. He was weakened by the memories of his past.
"Alright! Alright I'll do it..I'll do it.." Every scar he had gotten from AFO seemed to burn as if they were reopening. His crimson eyes glazed in fear.
"Good..I shall be seeing you shortly." AFO waved his hand before vanishing through a portal leaving Bakugou alone as his breathing grew heavy and his heart raced in his chest.

He pulled out his phone trembling struggling to type as he dialled a number holding it to his ear as he heard it ring.

One. Two. Three. Answer.

"Hello?" A soft yet confused voice echoed into his ear from the phone as he held it close to his face so he could hear every word she said clearly.

"Ochako..Ochako I need you..."

Of all the stars  (A kacchako story) Where stories live. Discover now