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Bryan uses make up to cover up some of the visible scars eg- Some of the scars from the twisted animatronics.

Bryan, Vendi and Gregory would sometimes have family game night where they play Mario Cart, Splatoon and a lot more Nintendo Games.

Bryan always beats Gregory at Mario Cart.

Due to the explosion in Freddy Land in S2 Bryan is deaf in his left ear.

Bryan's eyes form a tint of purple due to the Portal when he gets angry or stressed.

Bryan still has the pokémon ball in his room from when he was younger.

Bryan and Vendi call each other pet names over call.

Adrien gave Bryan (+Dylan) a friendship bracelet )Dylan still has his but attached it to his phone) and Bryan's got taken away from him by Anna.

Bryan uses Any pronouns.

Ever since Bryan turned into a girl from the portal he's loved being a girl.

Bryan: Genderfluid, Asexual, Gay.

Bryan kept the flower that Vendi gave him in his office at work and the animatronics questioned where it came from but he just ingnored the questions.

Bryan keeps a Molten Freddy and Nedd Bear plush in his room.

Only Bryan and Ivy knows about Vendi's birthday so they both get him gifts but they don't say who is from.

Bryan never really likes his birthdays because his parents were always too busy to celebrate them with him so he has bad memories from his birthdays.

Bryan and Adrien would always prank Valerie when she makes Dylan upset.

Bryan has fluffy hair.

Bryan comforts Gregory by singing to him and playing with his Gregory's hair.

Bryan and a keychain of all the Glamrocks in his room.

Bryan's favourite animatronic from Dylan's place is M & M
(Because of Matthew).

Bryan hates Vinnie with a burning passion and he will never forgive Vinnie.

Bryan has a lot of star earrings.

For Valentine's Day Bryan got Vendi some matching heart earrings for them to wear.

Bryan is slightly blind in his right eyes so he uses contacts.

Everytime Bryan uses his portal powers he gets weaker causing him to faint more often.

Bryan will occasionally forget his age because of not celebrating his birthdays and from being dead.

Bryan accidentally called Molten dad once (in S2) and Molten would always annoy him about it.

Bryan bites his nails when he gets too stressed and Molten noticed this.

Bryan paints his nails to help him from biting them (it was Molten's idea).

When Bryan was in college he once dyed his hair faded red because he was inspired by someone online. (His parents hated this idea).

Bryan had long but his mother hated it so he cut it off but then started to grow it back again.

Gregory and Glamrock Helpy will play try to style Bryan's hair to calm him down and a breakdown.

Vendi and Bryan will occasionally just hang out to get Tea and Coffee.

Gregory and Bryan would play Mario Cart and Minecraft together when Bryan isn't working.

Vendi has a collection of fruit earrings but he was missing three so Ivy bought him one pair earrings and Bryan him the other two pairs he needed for his birthday.

☕ Ok I'm done now ☕
Sorry for not uploading I've had no motivation at all lately!

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