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Vendi has cold hands and Bryan has warm hands.

Vendi will always give bryan flowers when Bryan comes to visit. (Bryan's oblivious to this so he just thinks Vendi is being nice!)

Vendi gets sick very easily. And Bryan rarely gets sick.

Vendi spends a lot of money on Bryan.

Adrien and Lolbit always trease Bryan by asking him about Vendi.

Bryan will visit Vendi or call him at least once a week.

Vendi always tells Ivy how much he loves Bryan.

Vendi is the charmer in the relationship (or whatever they have going on) and Bryan is the oblivious one.

Gregory is the only Child Vendi tolerates.

Molten has threatened Vendi before.

Bryan looks like the moon but acts like the sun when he's around certain people (Vendi, Molten, Helpy).

Vendi looks like the sun but acts like the moon around certain people (other people in the company).

Bryan bought Vendi some earrings for his birthday.

Bryan will just talk about his old pizzeria and Vendi just sits there and admires Bryan.

During meetings Vendi just stares at Bryan.

Vendi's phone wallpaper is him and Bryan on their date (the same with Bryan).

Vendi will always blush when he's around Bryan.

Bryan is a cat person but Vendi is allergic to cats.

Vendi can't eat spicy food and Bryan loves Spicy food.

They're complete opposites.

Vendi will always have something red on him because it's Bryan's favourite colour.

Vendi will mess with Bryans hair to calm him down after a breakdown or after making a portal appear.

Vendi will always try and flatter Bryan. Bryan finds it adorable.

Vendi will always compliment Bryan's eyes.

Bryan will compliment Vendi in Spanish because Vendi doesn't understand Spanish as much as Bryan.

Bryan loves coffee, Vendi loves tea.

Bryan zones out a lot so Vendi will wait until Bryan snaps back or he will just ruffle his hair. (Bryan's not a big fan of physical touch)

Vendi is the only person Bryan has cried around and hugged.

Vendi still apologizes to Bryan about the Molten situation.

Bryan always wears the ring Vendi gave him.

Bryan and Vendi both own Dreamy. (so Bryan signed a paper saying that both him and Vendi own Dreamy).

Bryan has to go up on his tippy toes to kiss Vendi.

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