09 : Forgetting Seylah

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(Fort Valley, Georgia)

Stefanie's eyes shot open, she could feel weight on top of her looking down to see her best friend lay on top her, she shook the girl a little "Hey, Love get off me" she told the seemingly confused red head, the girl groaning as she stood and offering her hand to help the brunette.

"Where the hell are we? What happened?" they heard the Kirby boy ask from behind them the headmaster responding with "I don't know, but I don't think we're in Kansas anymore." The brunette turning her head to the man "A Wizard of OZ reference really?" she asks with narrowed eyes.


(Salvatore Boarding School)

Stefanie walked into the common room from the kitchen stopping in her tracks seeing her uncle and best friend "Going somewhere?" the man asked, the auburn-haired girl turning to him looking caught.

"Better questions, where the hell do you think you're going with my keys and without telling me?" he continued as he walked towards the girl. "Um, you know I just said some really harsh things to you yesterday, and so I just wanted to get you an oil change as a peace offering." the tribrid told the man, Stefanie taking a sip of her iced coffee "Totally believable" she muttered.

"At 3am?" Alaric scoffed the girl looking away. "Hope, you don't have a drivers license, you're going to commit grand theft auto, which is a felony. You're ditching school right before the midterm exams begin and you've made it very clear to me that you see me as an authority figure and nothing more, So tell me why I shouldn't suspend you this very second?" he questioned.

The Mikaelson lifted her arm, rolling her sleave down to reveal the glowing bracelet "And, what is that?" the headmaster asked confused. "It's basically a supernatural compass" "Oh, is that the tracker thingy for Landon." the brunette questioned, the other two look towards the girl finally noticing her.

"How long have you been there?" the headmaster questioned "Not long." the girl said taking another sip of her drink "Just long enough to know that there's no way she's going to let this go, so you might as well come with us." the brunette told her uncle with a smile.

"Us?" the Mikaelson asked "What, you think I'm letting you go after him alone?" the other girl responded. the man just sighed "Ok, then we're all going and I'm driving" he said taking the keys from the auburn-haired girl and walking out the door the two girls following behind.



As they sat in the car to find Landon Stefanie stared at the scenery outside the window as Alaric was quizzing Hope. "Take the next left, he's on the move." the tribrid told the man. "Alright, Indiana surrounded by what 4 states?" asked turning around to his niece who glanced at him then back out the window "Um, Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky and Michigan." she listed off hesitating slightly.

The man turning back to the other girl going to ask her another when she cut him to it "I thought we established that I am dominating geography." "Ok, fine then let's move on to Science," he spoke making both girls groan and roll their eyes.

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