20 : Let the games begin

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(Salvatore Boarding School)

Stefanie stood with Rafael the two unpacking table cloths as Josie walked in with a clipboard "All right, everybody work together, Lizzie's going to be here any second and trust me you do not want to have only 98 red balloons." she spoke sending her boyfriend a smile as she winked.

The witch and werewolf looked at each other, the boy letting out a laugh whilst the Salvatore tried to keep hers in, Landon turned to the two "What's so funny?" he asked "You said you and Josie were getting pretty intense, right?" the Waithe inquired as the curly haired boy turned back to him "Yeah." he spoke with a shrug "And it's a dance." Stefanie told him wiggling her eyebrows suggestively as she leaned against the table towards the boy "It's a dance, so?" he spoke shrugging slightly making the girl groan.

"She thinks it's gonna happen tonight." the wolf told him making the boy shake his head "No, there's no way, dude, sex, after a dance is so..." the Kirby trailed off, the Salvatore sending him a look "So, what? 80s" she prompted, the boy making a small face.

"Hey, so I talked to Lizzie and she's actually gonna stay in town with my dad tonight." Josie told the boy as she walked up to the table, "Good." the Kirby spoke nervously, "Yeah, just an FYI right?" she told him with a smile placing her hand on his chest before walking away.

Both Rafael and Stefanie let out a laugh as the boy stands there stunned "Told you." the Waithe told him as the brunette smirked in her friends direction before looking between the two "Okay boys, let's move this table." she instructed, the two glancing at each other before shrugging and lifting the table as the Salvatore stood back, a balloon popped startling the wolf who dropped the table looking around, everything seemed distorted, the laughing, the smiling, the voices.

"Raf, you okay?" Stefanie asked placing a hand on his arm slowly as to not startle him again causing the boy to snap out of his trance like state "I'm cool, just a little jumpy." he tried to wave off, Landon and Stefanie share a look, "You've been a little jumpy a lot lately, if this stuff is too much, you don't have to." the Kirby told him with a slight frown.

"Exposure therapy, it's, uh... it's supposed to be good for me." Rafael muttered taking a breath, Stefanie eyed him for a moment before the boy let out a small laugh "Plus, I want to be able to handle the dance tonight." "Speaking of, has Hope accepted the invitation you sent her?" the girl asked making the wolf shake his head with a smile.


(The Game)

"Okay, let's try this again." Hope spoke as she and Lizzie stood on the side walk, the blonde looking both ways before turning to the girl "So, since we're trapped here, are we going to talk about how you came back from Malivore and decided not to tell any of us?" "Sorry, I'm a little busy keeping us from being roadkill." the auburn haired girl said rolling her eyes.

"Projectium deflecta." the tribrid spoke with a shrug turning to the blonde "That should protect us." The two stepped off the pavement as a car came at the them, the two glanced at each other as they were hit erupting into pixels.

The two sat up with a gasp as they regenerated in the middle of the square "I don't think we have magic here." the tribrid muttered, Lizzie rolled her eyes glancing at the girl "Or you just did the spell wrong." she contradicted placing her hand on the Auburn haired girls arm attempting the siphon her.

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