10 : Let the nightmares begin

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(Salvatore Boarding School)

"Yesterday, I came into possession of another Malivore artifact it was my hope to find a method of containment before it signaled another monster, but given the emergency meeting  I've just called I'm sure you can guess how well that went." the headmaster spoke as murmurs were heard around the hall "Another monster seriously" Alex groaned from his spot beside his sister and Stefanie.

"But rest assured we are taking every precaution, Sheriff Donovan has been kind enough to open the doors of the Lockwood Mansion to us, so Mr. Williams and Ms. Tig are now in the process of evacuating our students from the lower grades." the man told them, Kaleb standing up "Why don't we just evacuate the damn artifact?" he asked, the Salvatore rolling her eyes at the thought of moving the urn where no one could protect it.

"We are much more well equipped than the world at large to handle the arrival of a monster, once we know what we're dealing with and the problem in contained, then we can reassess what to do with the artifact." Alaric said. "If any of you would like to evacuate please talk to Dorian or Emma. However, exam week will continue as scheduled wherever you are." he continued Cassy groaning as murmurs were heard around the room "I thought a monster would be a good thing for exams."

"I know, I'm sorry I can't exactly call the state accreditation board and tell them that we're cancelling the exams because of monsters, we'll get through this I promise, try and get some rest okay? Good night." the headmaster said everyone looking around before people slowly began making their way out of the hall.


"So, you guys staying?" Stefanie asks glancing at the twins "Hell yeah!" Alex exclaimed leaving both his sister and friend confused, him just shrugging "What? I've not seen a monster yet" "You're an idiot" Cassy said rolling her eyes.

"What about you?" the Salvatore asked her roommate who nodded "Got 3 exams in the morning, so I need to study." she told her separating from the other two when they got outside the library.

"Well, I'm gonna go I need my beauty sleep" Alex told the girl who laughed as she watched him walk away towards the boy's dorms.


Alex sighed sitting up in bed, he couldn't sleep something just seemed off... There was a knock at the door, slowly he made his way towards it opening it but no one was there he looked around slightly confused before shrugging and turning around only to come face to face with his father "Dad?" he asked confused, the man glaring at him "You are a disgrace" he spoke voice low and hard.

"What?" the boy asked shaking his head slightly, how was this possible his dad died 4 years ago and he certainly would never say anything like this, his dad loved both his children and he never once thought the boy was anything but perfect no matter what he did or who he liked.

"You are a disgrace to this family corrupting our blood with your pathetic lifestyle." the father says walking closer to the teen "What are you talking about, you would never say anything like that" Alex muttered shaking his head.

The father gets closer and closer until he has his son trapped against the wall, "Dad what are you doing?" he asked trying to take a step back but having no room as he was flushed against the wall. "Your kind does not deserve to live and neither do you" the man says as his hands go to the hybrid's neck "Dad please" Alex chocked out making the man press harder.

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