"How is Loki doing?"

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She forgot to eat every day for the next week. Ella texted her every morning, saying their meetings got canceled, so she wouldn't be needed for babysitting.

Alora was fine with that.

Nightmares kept her sleep at bay. Running on two hours of sleep and having to spend the day with a very observant and hyper six-year-old was not something she wanted to do.

Throwing her guns on her person, she fetched Azai and went out for her run.

Thor joined her five minutes into her exercise. He took one look at her and immediately asked, "are you okay?"

"Why?" The woman countered. She was confused as to why he cared, or, in gentler terms, why her health mattered to him.

"You look really pale and exhausted," he frowned.

She wanted to do something to make him smile again.

"I'm fine," Alora forced a smile, changing the subject. "How's life going?"

The prince sighed, accepting the switch for now. "Smoothly, so far. My brother, Loki, has returned to Midgard-" he coughed. "-Sorry, earth, to make amends."

"I'm sure the Avengers were ecstatic to hear that," Alora remarked, jogging lightly. Azai darted past them to chase a bird.

"Loki isn't that bad," he defended his brother.

Azai's bird flew off quickly, squawking a warning to his fellow feathered friends.

"It's cute that you defend him." Alora smiled. "I'm sure there's something beneath that inferiority complex."

Thor sighed. "Loki is adopted," he admitted. "My father and friends have ostracized him from the very beginning."

The news hit Alora like a stale fish. Here I was, ranting about my problems when he has an unstable brother. Sugar honey iced tea, I'm selfish. The woman tuned into Thor's voice intently.

"Mother always cared for him as his own. While Loki appreciated that and grew under her wing, he wanted my father's approval," A distant look entered his eyes. "Such drastic measures were taken all because Odin refused to treat him as his son." Pain laced his voice, irritation coupling to add a despairing note. "He tried so hard.."

The prince told stories about his younger brother, both wholesome and embarrassing.

They slowed to a walk. Alora smiled quietly. The stories were amusing and it made her heart skip a few beats to see Thor so relaxed, reminiscing his younger years.

"If you could go back," Alora started, "would you change anything?"

"I would change everything," he replied quietly, shoulders slumping. "He is my brother. I wish I had treated him as such. I would want to be there for him, stick up for him when Fandral bullied him. I should have been there." Thor cursed under his breath, a single tear trickling down his face.

Alora's stormy blue eyes flickered. She understood.

The woman quietly slid her hand over Thor's, lacing their fingers together. He accepted the touch without a word, using his free hand to wipe away the stray tear. "You accept your mistakes, Thor. That is a big difference than what most people this day in age would do. You're on the right track, mate. I'll be here every step of the way," she promised.

"Thank you," he smiled, a genuine smile, electric blue eyes lighting up. "I think we were supposed to run," Thor hedged.

Alora rolled her eyes, watching Azai chase a leaf. "If you insist." Letting go of his hand, she took off. Thor smirked and chased after her.

Thor's LieutenantWhere stories live. Discover now