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Much later, a casual run through the streets of New York brought Thor and Alora to a helipad. There was a scene playing out that made the woman roll her eyes.

A child was being held hostage with two men trying to fly a helicopter away. She recognized Steve sprinting for the flying object, his intent clear in his body language.

"I swear..." Alora groaned and sprinted forward. Thor was caught off guard and hurried after her.

Steve managed to get a hold of one of the legs, but his hands slipped. The supersoldier fell to the ground, slightly bent over.

Alora took full advantage of this, and the open doors of the helicopter. Not breaking stride, the ex-military officer used Steve's back to boost her ascent. With actions smoother than butter, Alora grabbed the unnamed kid, pulled her out of the grasp of her captors and slid out the second door without stopping.

She twisted her body, freeing one hand to grasp onto the closest helicopter leg. In the same motion, she all but threw the child into Steve, who caught her reflexively. Her other hand, now free, latched onto the leg for better grip.

Alora's square momentum caused the helicopter to tip fully on its side. Both men fell out of the copter and onto the ground. She let go, landing casually on the balls of her feet. The sound of a repulser went off and the helicopter exploded in a small blast.

"...Americans make everything so much difficult," Alora tsked, stalking past Steve as she finished her sentence.

Tony landed beside him, looking stunned when his mask lifted. "Uh-huh. Where were you twenty minutes ago, gun-slinger?" the billionaire chuckled.

"On a run, thank you very much, mate."

Thor trotted up to her, patting her head. "Well done. Let's get ice cream." The blonde grabbed her hand, ignoring his fellow Avengers, and tugged her away.

"Ice cream?" Alora snorted incredulously. "Are you serious?"

"Very. Ice cream is sacred," the prince teased. Alora submitted to his strength, following willingly. Neither moved their connected hands. Thor didn't mention that Alora's were shaking.

They went dutch for the ice cream, silently agreeing to not correct the lady who commented on how they were such a cute couple.

Alora wasn't quite sure how he managed it, but Thor had convinced her to come to the tower for a day. Even more shocking was he convinced her to leave Azai behind.

It might have been to meet Loki.

Maybe the reasoning was to do something with him, instead of him doing something with her, as they had been doing.

She walked through the doors apprehensively, sticking close to the Asgardian prince. Hot waves accompanied by prickling needles spoke volumes about her anxiety. She constantly played with her thumb ring, gaze flickering around uneasily.

Thor had no such qualms and strode confidently into the lift. "Friday, common room."

"You have an unauthorized woman with you, Pointbreak. Do you insist I proceed?" an Irish voice made her jump.

Thor casually slid his arm over her shoulders to calm her down. "Yes, she is in my care." He turned his attention to the woman beside him. "That is Stark's artificial intelligence, Friday." The lift began moving up. Her anxiety faded with his touch, subconsciously leaning towards him.

She was given a tour by the prince, who acted similarly to a happy puppy.

"Can I get you something?" Clint offered.

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