"when's the last time you kissed a girl?"

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Thor took her out for ice cream, despite her light-hearted protests. "What do you recommend?" the prince asked her, staring at the variety of ice cream.

"Banana split,"

"What are you going to have?" Thor tilted his head, ordering what she suggested.

"Strawberry," Alora placed her order too. Their treats were given and the two got a table.

"May I try yours?" He gave her his best puppy dog eyes, though it was unneeded. She would do almost anything he asked at this point.

"Mhm!" Alora hummed, pushing her cup over. Those who ate from cones were sociopaths. Cones were messy and had extra sugar.

The prince took a small bite, eyes lighting up."That's good." He stole her spoon, getting some of his ice cream. His blue eyes sparkled with mischief and something she couldn't place.

Alora didn't break eye contact, letting him spoon feed the dessert. "Thanks," she mumbled, nabbing her spoon when Thor handed it to her. "That's good. I'll order that next time."

Her best friend grinned. Alora's heart fluttered, a tiny blush rising to her face.

"Тоска [ Longing ]" Her head snapped up as a male voice spoke Russian.

Now, you might be wondering, how did she get here?

Well, some psycho attacked Stark's precious tower.

He also knew James' trigger words.

Steve had filled the ex-military officer in. While the brunet and her hadn't met formally yet, she knew what would happen if he got put under mind control.

James stilled, skin becoming ashen. "No." He breathed.

"Ржавый [ Rusted. ]"

Alora marched up to the former Hydra prisoner, ignoring bullets flying this way and that. Several black-clad agents went sailing past her.

"Семнадцать [ Seventeen ]"

James was panicking. Without missing a beat, she grabbed the collar of the man's shirt, jerking him down to her level. Smoothly, she covered his ears and kissed him, effectively distracting him.

Only when the sound of the battle faded did she step back.

The look of disgust on the woman's face was priceless. "Thanks," James muttered, not quite looking at her.

"That was gross. I'm never doing that again, mate," she groaned, wiping her mouth with her sleeve. She turned to find the entire team staring at her. "He needed a distraction." Alora shrugged. "Buchanan," she glanced at the brunet. "You owe me ten Italian sodas."

Recognition flashed in his eyes. "Sure thing, Cappy," he saluted, smirking.

Alora's lips curled slightly, still greatly disgusted by the whole ordeal. "Gross. Gross. Gross," she whined. "Bloke, when's the last time you kissed a girl?"

James shrugged. "I'm usually the one kissing them. You chose to kiss me," he snorted, amused at her utter disdain. "I wasn't exactly in the right mindset, doll."

"Sure, sure, make excuses," Alora muttered.

Natasha burst out laughing. The immeasurablility of Thor's jealousy was clear to the redhead.

James rolled his eyes. "When's the last time you kissed someone?"

Alora pursed her lips, genuinely thinking back to that time. "I think I was twenty-seven."

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