"In hindsight, I overreacted."

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Tired and hungry after her run, she swung her door open, reaching her home just before dusk struck. Tugging her hair out of her ponytail, she slammed the sturdy piece of wood behind her, going to her kitchen. Azai had been pacing when she walked in.

The German Shepherd bounded over to her, whimpering. "I know," Alora rasped, dehydrated. "I'm sorry." She went to get him food, but frowned. Both bowls were full.

The woman put granola on yogurt and ate as fast as Azai usually did. She downed an entire bottle of water right after, degrading her decision making skills.

"Sono così stupido. [ I am so stupid. ]" she whispered in Italian. When Alora was upset, she had a tendency to switch languages quickly.

"Where have you been?" the familiar accented voice made her jump. His demanding tone had authority rolling off him in waves.

"I lost track of time." Her answer wasn't entirely untrue. She grabbed a bar, eating it slower than she did her yogurt. "Why and how are you in my house?"

"The door was unlocked," Thor answered, stalking closer to her. "I was worried about you," he admitted.

Alora believed his notion that her door was unlocked.

The reasons being that (1) it was Thor, (2) the way she left was quick and irrational.

"You worry about me?" her stormy eyes showed her radiating disbelief. "Why would you do that?" she threw the wrapper of the bar away, finishing her snack.

Exhaustion hit her like a freight train on crack. She tucked her trembling hands into her jean pockets, feeling the urge to shower and sleep.

Thor sighed, running a hand aggressively through his hair. "What happened?"

"Nothing, Thor," Alora groaned, walking past him. "I want to take a shower, and I want to sleep. You are welcome to stay, just ask Azai where the guest room is. There should be men's clothing somewhere in there."

Alora slid into her shower, letting the warm water run over her body.

She remembered reading a study saying people who take long showers with warm water are lonely and want to make up for the lack of touch from other people.

Stupid brain, why focus on that?

The sickening thud of each hit and the dull thump of the lifeless man hitting the ground haunted her the moment she shut down the thought about the study.

It's my fault he didn't get to see his family.

Silent, unwelcome tears were washed away by the shower water.

Thor was sitting in her living room, waiting for her to make an appearance, when she stepped out in sweats and an oversized t-shirt. He had changed into jeans and a t-shirt that was way too fitted for his body type.

Alora went to her kitchen silently, getting ice cream and two spoons. Making her way over to the Asgardian, she plopped down beside him, turning on the TV.

Equally as silently, she handed a spoon to Thor and opened the container of ice cream. She dug into the oreo treat, encouraging the god to do the same.

"Are you going to be honest with me now?" he rumbled after finishing a particularly large spoonful of the dessert.

"Depends on what you ask," she answered innocently, eyes fixated on the screen before them. Thor pulled a blanket over her, even though he radiated heat that seeped into her skin.

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