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She had just left for one minute.



And everything went haywire.

The park near the Avengers' tower turned out to be a playground for the Winter Soldier.

He had spontaneously decided to take a child hostage to get away.

The idiot chose Wren.

Her babysitter was not happy.

The masked brunet stalked over to the six-year-old girl dramatically, big gun in hand.  Wren froze. Alora made a mental note to teach her self defense.

The Soldier reached down to grab Wren. The force with which he pulled her dislocated her shoulder, earning a scream of pain.

A solid punch sent him reeling and his gun flying. "Do not touch my things," Alora snarled, shoving him further back. Wren took the opportunity and fled, hiding behind a nearby tree, whimpering softly and holding her arm.

The brunet recovered swiftly and pulled out a knife, abandoning his gun. Alora whipped out her own with sharpness to rival a diamond, preparing herself for a duel.

Steve was recovering from a thorough beating by the Winter Soldier. He raised his head, watching the ex-military officer stepping into a dangerous dance with knives.

Natasha, who had been shot, looked up and her jaw dropped. Their fight was smooth and flawless, rarely landing a hit against each other.

The Soldier's knife slid over her chest. She jerked back fast enough to avoid getting her heart impaled. Alora dove back into the fight, sweeping his legs out from under him. He returned by pulling her legs toward him, sending her to the ground. The masked man moved quicker than she could register, moving his metal hand to her shoulder and slamming her into the solid earth.

A nearby cat, watching the fight with wide eyes, winced.

Alora knew she had a concussion when dark spots flickered over her vision and a wave of nausea crashed over her. Blood trickled down the back of her head.

Using her legs, she threw the Soldier, sending him rolling away. Alora scrambled to her feet, breathing heavily. Pulling out her gun, she clicked the safety off. One shot and the Soldier remained down for a few moments.

"Ich hasse diesen Typen. [ I hate this guy. ]" She muttered. "Ach, bleib unten! [ Oh, stay down! ]" Alora whined when the Soldier began to stand up.

Steve's patriotic shield flew through the air, knocking the man to the ground again. Natasha shot him again and Thor, who appeared out of nowhere, dropped his hammer on his chest.

The Asgardian hurried over to Alora. "Are you okay? Where are you injured?" Thor questioned quickly. He had been fighting other agents.

She waved off his concern. "I'm fine. Wren, hun, come here," Alora clicked her safety on and put her gun away. The blonde made her way over to her babysitter.

The older woman knelt down in front of her, ignoring Thor. "This is going to hurt, I'm sorry," Alora warned. "I'll set it on three.. One.. two..." abruptly, she jerked Wren's shoulder back into place.

The girl's short scream faded quickly. "Thanks," she muttered shakily.

"I'm sorry," Alora whispered, giving her a small hug. She didn't want to get her blood on Wren. She's been traumatized enough. "I shouldn't have left."

Steve and Natasha walked over to the trio.

"I'll take the girl home," Steve offered.

"I'll take the ladies," Thor agreed.

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