"Helm's Deep, mate."

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Two months later and it was pouring rain. Thunder rolled towards New York City, dark and heavy storm clouds blotting out the sun.

The ex-military officer opened her house door, well and truly exhausted. Azai plodding in next to her, paws muddy. He sneezed adorably, ears twisting.

Alora closed and locked the door behind her. She got Azai food and ate her own. She took a quick shower, changing to sweats and an oversized sweatshirt. She slipped on socks, moving her wet hair over her shoulder.

The woman curled up on her couch, groaning quietly. I need to go to the tower, she muttered silently, turning on her TV. Azai whimpered, remaining in the kitchen.

"Oh, sorry. You are awesome." Rolling off the cushions, Alora gave Azai a thorough bath so he would be able to walk around in her house.

He was too tired to play in the bath so it went quickly. He didn't even protest the drying portion.

She returned to her living room to find a certain blonde god waiting for her. She'd given him a key a while ago. "Hey, Thor," she murmured tiredly, head down.

Before she could put her foot down to complete her next step, she was engulfed in a very tight hug. Exhaling shakily, Alora wrapped her arms around him, melting into his embrace. "Oh, I get it, you missed me," she teased lightly.

"I missed you," Thor confirmed softly, heartbreak in his voice. "I was so worried."

"Yeah.." she half giggled, half sighed. "Sorry. I just, uh, needed some time to think."

He hummed, releasing her.

Alora sat down on her couch. The prince sat down next to her, sliding his arm around her shoulders. She accepted the invitation, curling up against him.

Azai leapt onto the couch, using Thor's free leg as a head rest.

The woman was asleep within five minutes, muttering another apology to Thor before she passed out. He ran his fingers through her wet hair gently, a tiny smile playing on his features while looking at her.

Savoring their position for a good hour, Thor finally relented. He picked her up carefully, standing gracefully to avoid making the dog stand up. He went to her bedroom.

Azai watched Thor carry his owner away. He set his muzzle on the couch, trusting the blonde to keep her safe.

There were two shells that had exploded very close to each other creating shell holes. We had six guys in one shell hole and seven in another shell hole almost next to it. The German fire was coming at us all the time. I saw what was happening – from time to time there was illumination from the bursting of the shells. So I said 'OK, we have to make it to the assembly point – that's what we want to do. I want you guys to follow me and let's get through this.' So I had the voice of the authority. I said: 'line up, keep your six paces, follow me and let's go.'

This wasn't done in any way or shape of bravery even though I was awarded the bronze star for it – I was just carrying out what I'd been taught. I can't go back, I said to myself, I must go forward. No matter what, I have to push forward.

I said: 'you guys follow me,' and I got a hold of one guy I had recognized and I said: 'you bring up the rear and make sure nobody stays,' and I just went. It was pure discipline that no one got hurt and we got through it.

The Germans had tanks, howitzers, guns and did heavy shelling. I led them right through the fire, right into the teeth of it, but that wasn't the worst part of it – the worst part of it was that you didn't know where you were stepping. There were explosions on either side of us, but I didn't stop to figure out what they were, I just wanted to get my gang through. I was in the right place at the right time – I wasn't brave, I just knew I had to do this to get through and there was no option. That was the situation and that was the crossing of the Rhine.

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