Alfired's Flatbed Fumble

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On The Fat Controller's Railway, there are many types of trucks and coaches! From open trucks, meant for stone and coal, to long vans, meant for fish and machinery. However, the most controversial of these are flatbeds. Special wagons that usually sit on boogies, like the express coaches. Some are built lower to the rails, and are used to carry engines, coaches or trucks.

One afternoon, William came storming into the big station, with only half a train!

"What on earth happened to you?"

Horace asked.


Snorted William!

"I've had a horrible day!"

Douglas' driver quickly talked to Henry's driver. The big green engine in tow with some of the cranes.

"One of William's flatbeds came off on the crossing to Thomas' branchline."

She explained, grunting crossly.

"He's acting like it's the end of the world, just because of a simple accident!"

"It could'a happened to anyone!"

Douglas Reassured. However, what Douglas hadn't noticed was Alfred. Now, Alfred was known to become paranoid on the best of days, but hearing about William's accident, and Douglas' prior comment, it put him on edge.

"It couldn't happen to me!"

He said to himself.

"Could it...?"

He was still feeling nervous when he returned home that night.

"What's the matter with you?"

Western asked. Alfred looked cautiously around the shed.

"I'm worried."

He sighed.

"After hearing about William's accident, I'm worried the same thing could happen to me! And I don't want to be the cause of any delays!"


Came the unmistakable voice of William.

"Don't you DARE bring up my accident so casually!"

"I was only explaining why I felt so anxious.."

Alfred mumbled.

"As Douglas said, it could've happened to anyone."

"Not with William's attitude!"

Laughed Western! And the other engines followed suite! William went red in the face!

"Oh, like you'd never have an accident with flatbeds!?"

He hissed.

"That's not what I meant!"

Cried Alfred defensively.

"I'm worried because it co-"

"If I were you!"

Western interrupted.

"I'd show that miserable sod who's boss!"

"But.. But!?"

Alfred stuttered. But it was no good. Everyone thought he was wanting to one-up William. Who was seething in anger!

He spoke to Alfie about it the next morning.

"I didn't mean to start anything.."

Alfred sighed.

"But everyone took it out of context."

"I guess they just want William to be put down a peg."

Guessed Alfie.

"He always has something to complain about."

"But still."

Alfred replied, a grimace forming on his face.

"I don't believe it's my place to medal."

For the next few days, Alfred would often try to find William to apologise. However, each time he did, William would only blow steam at him!

"Dinn'e get yeself worked up!"

Douglas comforted.

"Hee'l get over wee drama soon!"

Alfred could only hope Douglas was right.

Then, one morning, Chattem was ill! The workmen worked hard, but they couldn't make him better! The Fat Controller had to call down the only available tank engine, which was Percy. But the yard has changed a lot since Percy was the shunter. And Percy quickly found himself feeling overworked. Meaning that some of the engines had to shunt their own trains. Alfred didn't mind. He enjoyed slowly dithering about with the trucks. Besides, trucks don't give him trouble.

Alfred was still anxious about the whole flatbed debacle, so he didn't notice the points were set wrong! Alfred's train was flatbeds from the foundry that had been dropped off during the night, and was heading to the works station. The load was very heavy, so, when Alfred hit the points, he felt the trucks in front of him shift suddenly!


Cried Alfred!


The load shifted to the side! Just then, William came storming into the yard, heading tender first towards the now toppling over flatbed! He didn't see the truck come crashing to the ground! The ropes holding the pipes into place snapped! And they rocketed forward!


The yard forman cried! Rushing forward, waving her red flag furiously! But it was no use! William came to a shuddering halt! But the pipes didn't.. They smashed into William's tender with so much force, that it was thrown onto the sleepers, and shunted William forward! Then, there was silence.

"Bust my buffers!"

Huffed William! Alfred was at a loss for words.

Soon, Wallabee left with the unhurt trucks. And Douglas arrived with the breakdown train, and The Fat Controller. He inspected William's tender, and then spoke to Alfred.

"The accident wasn't your fault."

The Fat Controller explained.

"A loose sleeper tie was sticking up, it just threw the flatbed off balance."

Alfred shuddered.

"All of that over some loose sleepers.."

He muttered.

"In addition."

Added The Fat Controller.

"William's tender was damaged in the accident. He'll need some repairs. If you didn't warn him sooner, there could've been a much worse accident."

That made Alfred feel a little better. He quietly slunk up to William. But to his suprise, William, shockingly, looked fairly content.

"I always knew you'd slip up!"

William beamed.

"And of course! I got front row seats for Alfred's Flatbed Fumble! Oh yes! The other engines will think you're very silly indeed!"

Alfred opened his mouth, but smiled.

"Well done William."

He said.

"It'd take a better engine to get the better of you"

William still boasts about Alfred's accident whenever flatbeds are brought up in conversation. Alfred doesn't mind. He's glad he found a... Well, not really friends, but at least William doesn't think Alfred's out to get him anymore. That's good... Right?.. Right?

Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends: Into The Boob Verse.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن