Stanley and the Midnight Goods

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A bad batch of coal had arrived to the railway. It burnt thick and black, and would block engines tubes. It was lucky for the engines that The Fat Controller cottoned on quickly, and it was only around for a few days. But it left its mark.

The Fat Controller arrived to the sheds to find Richard in an awful state.

"Seems the bad coal took its toll on him."

His driver explained.

"Ronica thinks it's done more than damage his pipes, nothing we can properly tell"

The Fat Controller nodded.

"Seems like he's been needing some heavy maintenance for some time. It cannot be helped."

He spun to Richard.

"Rest assured. I'll have your trains covered until you're better. The men at the works will make you feel like a new engine."

"Vho'll will cover hiz d'rains vhile he'z away?"

His stoker asked. The Fat Controller paused, clearly thinking himself.

"I'll have a look at the schedule. I'm sure someone can do it..."

The only spare engine who was strong enough was Stanley, who wasn't too keen on the arrangements.

"Why does it have to be me!"

He snapped.

"I do twice the work of any engine, and I'm still given the short straw!"

"It can't be helped."

His driver grumbled.

"Anyway! Once we return home, I'll ask hubby to help us give you a wash down!"

"I don't care about a stupid washdown, or that daft harem or even the bloody train! I want to rest!"

"Not today lad..."

His stoker replied.

"Not today."

"... Joy."

Stanley arrived to the harbour at eleven o'clock on dot. The quayside was packed with workmen and boxes, all being moved around like headless chickens. While not pleased with the arrangements, Stanley couldn't help but marvel at the sight right before him.

"This'll be a piece of cake."

He muttered to himself.

"It most certainly will not."

Came the blunt reply. Stanley looked over, to see Barry, filling up with coal.

"Why? It's just like taking any other train, just at night. What's so hard 'bout that?"

"It's not just all that! It's more tedious than you think. You can't see beyond your light most of the time. And you must stay aware of where you are."

Barry grunted.

"The night brings out the wildlife. And sometimes the signalman need to know when your coming, so-"

"I get it! Using lumber for coal or somethin!? Quit being so uptight!"

"... Suit yourself."

Barry replied, eyeing the big blue engine.

"But take my advice. All I can say."

"Yeah, keep your gob shut!"

And Stanley snorted away! Barry's driver looked to him and shook her head.

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