Chapter 2 - Food Fight

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  The world around me is collapsing. It all started Friday, when me my friends were minding our own business at lunch. The jocks I was telling you about earlier decided it would be funny to start throwing footballs at us. We tried to ignore it, but then they started to throw food. Some nacho cheese was thrown at Rebecca and completely ruined her hair. We were pissed, eventually things started to escalate. Soon we found ourselves throwing hot sauce, then entire sandwich's until they threw lemonade onto us. We all got soaked. I got drenched. All I felt in that moment was pure rage. If less teachers would have been there, I probably would have started hitting them right then and there, but under the cruel and cold rule of my principal, detention was deemed more fitting. My mind was spiraling. What are my parents going to say? Will dad get mad? Should I do my homework? I do have a lot. "Hello? Jayce?" Raven yelled as she snapped her fingers in my face. "Sorry, I'm just distracted." I told her. "Listen I know this is a lot but we'll get through it." She encouraged me. I tried to block out all my worry and listen to her, but the overwhelming familiar darkness started to settle. I knew as soon as I got home all hell would break loose.

I walked slowly through the threshold of the door, shaking rapidly. My dad immediately went absolutely crazy. "What the fuck is wrong with you? Didn't I say no more fights?" He yelled. I sat there expressionless, waiting for him to be done. I've grown numb to his yelling ever since my childhood. I was a sensitive kid and I would cry whenever he would yell at me. My dad would tell me things like "Stop that crying! Nobody cares." Or "I don't feel bad for you." His most used catchphrase was "I'LL GIVE YOU SOMETHING TO CRY ABOUT!"

Now I don't cry anymore. Last time I got in trouble, he was yelling at me like usual and started to get even more mad because "I didn't care" since I wasn't crying. I can never win with him. He always apologizes and hugs me after he yells but I know it's just so he feels like a better parent. He doesn't mean it. I hate how everyone sees him as this picture perfect parent when in reality he's nowhere near that. All of this brought me to the crushing realization. School is never going to be the fantasy land I conjured up in my mind when I suddenly got a few new friends. I should have known. Just like I always say. Happiness is just another illusion that can be taken away without warning. So why try?

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