Chapter 8 - High School Is Hell

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   My parents were pissed and I had to stay home from school until Wednesday because of how tired I was. I was on electronic punishment for a month and I couldn't go anywhere without parental supervision for a week. They also put a tracker on my phone so they could see my location at all times. When it was time for me to go back to school all my friends were mad at me too. I guess everyone was just mad at me, like usual. "I don't want to be friends with someone who's going to kill themselves." Rebecca explained. Josh was completely ignoring me and didn't talk to me all day. I tried to tell them I would limit my alcohol and quit drugs but they didn't believe me. I don't blame them I wouldn't believe me either. This was all my fault. I knew the drugs would be bad for me, but I didn't stop. I just wanted to feel something. I just wish I could just go back to middle school when everything was easy. All you had to worry about was grades and keeping up with your friends. Things were so simple back then.

   I was sitting in 4th period and the teacher was telling us about homework. I already had a shit ton of work. Now he told us we have another project over the course of two weeks and another test next week. I was so overwhelmed and busy with school that I don't even have time to worry about my addiction or try to get better. My parents also want me to get a job by the end of the school year on top of all this. At that moment I was just so tired and stressed from lack of sleep and I guess I just panicked.

   My heartbeat started to race and I felt like I couldn't breathe. Great, another panick attack. The room started to go dizzy and my teacher could tell what was happening. The entire world shrunk right in front of my eyes. Maybe it was the lack of food or all the stress but I just blacked out. I awoke in the nurses office. All my friends were surrounding me, except Josh. "Oh my god are you alright?" Elle asked, frantically. "He's fine, he just had low iron and blood sugar. He'll be fine once he eats something." The nurse explained. Well that's the thing. They didn't notice but for the past few days I barely ate anything. With all the stress and my new relationship with Josh I guess I just want to lose weight. With all of this going on, high school is a hell. Hopefully Raven's party in a few days will take all my negative thoughts away, temporarily at least.

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