Chapter 15 - I'm Okay

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  It has been a week since the family dinner with my uncle. My scars already started to heal but the bruises still were sore and painful to push on. Luckily I didn't have many and they weren't scattered all over my body, just mostly on my face, shoulders, chest and a few scratches on my arm. My cousin Jake who is in seventh grade is coming soon and I don't want to make him nervous with all my scars. He looks up to me since he is secretly gay and last time I spoke to him I was the only one he told. I don't want to make him feel like this is going to happen to him or he will get bullied like I have. Hopefully everything heals quickly and I won't have to worry about it. The thing I'm mostly worried about right now is all the school work I have to catch up on. Missing a week of school is a really big deal and I know I'm going to have a lot of work to do when I get back. I got out of the hospital today and I'm going to try to get a head start on my work over the weekend. 

   I pray this week won't be too busy because if it is I will have double the work. Because of this I felt really anxious on Monday. Luckily my teachers all gave me an extension on my projects from last week. The workload wasn't as bad as I thought actually. I'm just glad I'm okay and that I could spend time with Raven, Elle and Rebecca again. Wow. I'm just glad I'm okay. Never thought I'd be saying that. Anyways, I'm just glad I have all my friend's back. Or at least most of them. Josh still wasn't talking to me, but nobody wanted him in the friend group anyways. After word got out about everything Josh did to me everyone at school kind of hated him. I guess the word just spread after someone read my text messages with him. It's kind of weird being "popular" or just liked by more than a few people. High school really is different than middle school.

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