Chapter 6 - Out At School

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   "James, have you heard?" Raven asked. "About what?" I wondered. "Josh is finally returning to school next Monday!" Raven told me. "Great!" I replied. "Also, those jerks got in a lot of trouble, mostly Jax. Josh got a restraining order against them and the school has been notified to keep a close eye on them. Hopefully they will finally leave us alone!" Raven cheered. That's probably not going to happen. "Yeah, hopefully." I said, holding back my thoughts. It is Friday today and after the suspension I also now have three more days of detention. The jocks have detention on different days than us so there is no more fighting. Friday was mostly a blur, I had so much on my mind that day. I was just happy it was finally the weekend! After school I went over to Josh's house. When I arrived, his mom was sitting on the couch, passed out with a half empty bottle of alcohol on the table. It kind of put things in perspective for me like maybe it's not just my family that's fucked up. I walked upstairs to Josh's room. "Hey, Josh." I whispered. "James! I'm so happy to see you." He said, excitedly. I don't know why but when we hugged, I started sobbing. "Woah, James are you ok?" He asked me. Don't show your emotions. Don't show your emotions. Don't show your emotions. "No." Damn it! "Why are you crying?" He asked, confused. "I just missed you so much. I thought you were going to die that night and it made me realize something." I told him. Oh shit! Now I have to tell him! "What did you realize?" He asked. "That I'm in love with you!" I blurted out. The room went dead silent. Does he like me back? "I like you too." Josh replied. Then he leaned in for a kiss. I wish that kiss lasted forever. Afterwards, we went to his bed and snuggled while watching tv. A few hours later I fell asleep and woke up to Josh lying next to me. We laid there for a few more minutes before getting up. I was the first to get up. I put on my shirt and went to the bathroom. When I got back Josh had breakfast ready for the both of us at the dinner table. After we ate, we drove up to the mall to meet up with all our friends.

   Josh had already told me he wanted to wait until Monday to tell everyone we were dating. He just recently came to terms with his sexuality in the eighth grade, so he needed a little bit extra time for everyone to know, which is understandable. At the mall I made sure to keep it a secret and we mostly spent the time shopping for clothes. By the end it was already four thirty in the evening. Elle took the group out for dinner at Roy's diner, our town's favorite restaurant. "I'm so glad you're ok!" Raven told Josh. "Thanks." He replied. "Cheers to Josh everyone!" Rebecca added. "TO JOSH!" We all yelled, clinging our glasses together. By the time we were done it was already seven twenty at night. We all parted ways, me and Josh riding together in my car. "Are you sure you're ready to tell everyone? You don't have to if you don't want to." I urged. "Yeah, no I'm ready." He suggested. "Ok babe." I reassured him. Shortly after, I dropped him back off at his house. When I drove home it was eight o'clock at night and my parents were both home. "Hey son!" My mom greeted me. "Hey mom!" I yelled, walking upstairs. "Hey, wait a minute, where do you think you're going? Aren't you going to tell us about your day?" My dad asked. I held in my eye roll and responded. "Oh yeah, it was ok. Me and my friends just went to the mall and got dinner, that was pretty much it." I lied. "Oh ok! By the way, you never texted us last night to let us know you got there okay." My dad said, suspicious. "Oh sorry, I guess I was just tired and forgot." I responded. "Yeah okay. Nothing happened with that boy Josh, did it?" He questioned me. "No, we just watched a movie and ate breakfast but that's pretty much it." I told him. "Yeah okay, just checking. Well, goodnight son." My dad said. "Goodnight!" I told them. "Goodnight honey." My mom told me. I went upstairs to my bedroom. I watched tv for a few more hours and then I went to sleep. All I could think about was Josh, all night. The next day was pretty uneventful and I just spent the day watching tv and playing video games until Monday.

   When Monday finally arrived I realized it was the day me and Josh were going to tell everyone that we are dating. As me and Josh walked into school a few people already noticed we were holding hands and assumed we were dating. The first few classes went fast and then lunch came. It was the moment me and Josh had been waiting for. We walked into the lunchroom and sat down at the table. "Guys, me and Josh have a big announcement." I told them. "Oh, I do too!" Raven told us. "Oh ok, you go first!" I replied. "So, you guys know how I've been struggling with my sexuality and stuff, well I think I'm transgender." Raven told the group. "Oh, congrats Rave! I'm glad you're finally finding your identity" I told her. "Yeah, congratulations!" Elle cheered. "Congrats." Josh smiled. "Thanks guys, but what's your big announcement?" Raven asked. "Me and James are dating." Josh said. "Ok." Rebecca replied. "Dude, we already knew that. It's low-key kind of obvious since y'all are always so lovey-dovey." Raven admitted. Well, that was anticlimactic. "Wait, I didn't think about this before but didn't y'all spend the night together?" Rebecca asked with a raised eyebrow. "Uh, well yeah." I said, awkwardly. Everyone started making kissing noises, mocking us. "Oh stop it! We just watched Netflix and chilled. Nothing Happened." Josh told them. Nothing happened? Why is he lying about that?  "Well okay then, excuse me!" Rebecca laughed. For the rest of the day I wondered why he lied about us sleeping together. But I had more important business to attend to. We were out. Everyone knew. Maybe this is everything I never knew I always wanted. Maybe I actually can be happy.

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