Chapter 18 - Standoff

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   Jake walked through the door and immediately started to hug me. "Hey Jayce!" He said, excitedly. "Hey!" I replied. "So, how've you been?" He asked me. "Well, I have a lot to catch you up on." I told him. Then we headed up to my room and I summed up everything that's happened since the last time we talked. We haven't even spoken or texted since near the beginning of the school year, so I had a lot to catch him up on. "Basically, that's everything that happened." I finished. "Wow. Josh sounds like a total asshole." He told me. "Yeah, he is but it doesn't matter anymore. I might have a new friend. Her name is Jasmine." I explained. "Good!" He said. "Well what about you? I know the last time we texted you were dealing with that kid Nick, what happened?" I asked. "I don't really want to talk about it." He sighed. "Oh, I'm sorry. Well we don't have to talk about it." I told him. "No, it's fine, maybe we can another day. Besides, today is supposed to be happy." He explained. "That's true. Well, what do you want to do?" I asked. We spent the rest of the day gaming, playing truth or dare and just talking. The end of the night already came so fast. Jake has matured more than I expected him to, it feels like just yesterday he was my sweet little baby cousin but now he's growing up. I hope when he gets into high school, nothing like what's happened to me will happen to him. We started to get tired around midnight and went to bed. "Good night, Jayce!" He said, yawning. "Goodnight." I replied. And soon enough we both fell asleep.

   After Jake left in the morning, he taught me that people grow up fast. It made me think about Jasmine, the school year is almost over so I decided I'm just going to straight up ask her to be my friend. I texted her saying, "Hey Jasmine, sorry for the random text but I was just wondering if you want to hang out sometime." I asked. "Does tonight work?" She asked. "Yeah we just need to figure out when and where." I told her. "Ok great, but you're paying and I ain't cheap." I broke out in laughter. We soon agreed on going to a skate park. A few hours later we met up. "Yo Jaz." I called out to her. "Hey Jayce!" She replied. We spent a few hours at the skate rink. Soon we got hungry and decided to go get some food. When we got to the resturant and sat at our table I looked across from us and there I saw Josh. "Actually do you mind if we sit somewhere else?" I asked the waitress. "No, not at all! Follow me this way." She said. By the time we got seated and the waiter gave us the menu, Jasmine started to get curious. "What was that all about?" She asked. "I saw Josh sitting there and I just don't want any fighting tonight. I'm sure you've heard some of the rumors about him. Besides, it's supposed to be about us getting to know each other." I explained. "Oh ok, that's totally fine then." She said. And after an hour we were ready to leave. I wasn't expecting what happened when we finally got outside.

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