Chapter 16 - Josh's Text

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   Josh's texts spread around school. He told one of his guy friends, "I hate James. He ruined everything for me! My popularity, my mental health, my life, everything! He even had my own mother siding with him. After we talked in the hospital my life has just been getting worse and worse every single day. I haven't told anyone but the night after I talked with him, I tried to stab myself. My mom came in right before I did it. She yelled at me to stop. I told her, "Isn't this what you want? Isn't it what everyone wants?" She responded with some bullshit saying, "No, never. Why would you ever think that?" I explained how she's been siding with James this whole time. I'M HER SON, NOT HIM. She never listens to me or my side of the story. And you know how she responds? She tells me, "That's because nine times out of ten, you're the bad guy. You're not a good person, Josh." After hearing those words come out of her mouth, I stabbed myself. Unfortunately, I didn't die. I haven't spoken to my mom since. I owe it all to James. Now I'm going to ruin his life if it is the last thing I do. Just wait you'll see." 

   I honestly didn't care about the messages. If anything I felt bad for him getting his attempt leaked and everything, even though I hate him I wouldn't wish that on anyone. As for his "plan to ruin my life" I'm sure I already know what it is. It's probably the blurry ass sex tape we made a few months ago which lasted all of thirty seconds. I really don't care either way, he'll just expose himself for his small penis.

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