Chapter 17 - Leaked

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   I walked into school today and everyone was staring at me. "Oh my god James! Have you heard?" Raven asked me. "About what?" I asked her. "Josh posted your sex tape with him." He told me. "Ok so?" I asked. "SO? Did you not hear me? JOSH POSTED YOUR FUCKING SEX TAPE." Raven said. "I don't care, everyone is just going to see how small his dick." I explained. He's so predictable. "True." She laughed in relief. I walked into first period, and everyone was staring at me. Josh was grinning, thinking he did something. "Is it real?" Someone asked. "Yeah and it only lasted like a minute since I didn't have much to work with." I told everyone. "Yeah, I can see that. Josh probably posted it because he is jealous of your size." A cheerleader said while laughing with her friends. "Why would you even post it Josh? You knew everyone would see your small junk. Wait, Small Junk Josh!" Everyone burst out in laughter. I looked over to him and he looked like he was on the verge of tears. As the day went on Josh had to go home early because the bullying got really bad. He tried to delete the video, but it had already been reposted multiple times. A lot of guys who seen the video flirted with me today since everyone knew I was bisexual and that made Josh even more mad. Honestly I would be mad about him posting it but in two weeks everyone's going to forget about it and the video's going to delete. Of course I don't appreciate my privacy being leaked like that but it already happened so it's better to just move on. Without knowing it, he just boosted my popularity and almost everyone in school has seen the reposts of our video. I would feel bad for him but after everything he has done, he deserves it. Two days later, boys and even a few girls were still flirting with me. I didn't like the attention, especially because it was for the wrong reasons. None of them meant anything to me until I met Jasmine. 

   We met while I was playing basketball with Raven and Elle. She is very sporty like me and she wanted to join in on our game. Originally, I thought she was just like the other girls who just want me for what's in my pants but she was different. After she beat me in a round of horse she actually stuck around to talk. We actually had a lot in common. We're both black, we're both queer, we both love basketball, and the list can continue on forever. Honestly, she is the best thing that's happened to me since Raven got back. I know it's only been a day, but I feel like I've known her my whole life. I think we could be amazing friends. I would hang out with her but my little cousin Jake is coming over this weekend so most of my attention will be on him. Hopefully everything works out with her, and she doesn't end up becoming a traitor like Josh. Speaking of Josh, guess who just transferred schools? So glad he's gone.

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