Chapter 4 - Drunk And Depressed

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   Today is Monday and I'm not going to school. Instead I'm at home since I was suspended for my violent behavior. My mom had to work and my dad was out so I had the whole house to myself. Instead of staying inside like they probably would have wanted me to, I went to go buy a shit ton of alcohol with my fake ID. I drank a whole six pack of beer while watching some tv. I was highly waisted and ended up throwing up in the toilet two hours later. I was only fifteen at the time so a six pack was a lot for me at that age. I first tried alcohol at the age of eleven because my dad accidentally left a bottle on the table. I guess ever since then, I've had a drinking problem. Suddenly I heard my dad open the door. I panicked, but I was to drunk and depressed to do anything about it. He immediately knew I was drunk because I stupidly left the bottles on the kitchen table.

   "Jayce, what have I told you about this damn drinking problem!" My dad yelled. "Maybe I wouldn't be drinking if my life didn't fucking suck." I yelled. "Listen. I know you've gone through a lot these past few weeks but that doesn't give you an excuse to act up even more than you already have. You've been sober for two years and now you ruined it!" My dad told me, disappointed. "2 years? Ha, I've been sober for like a month at best. Sorry I'm not your little baby boy anymore." I told him, too drunk to understand what I had just said. My dad went deadpan with disappointment and walked off to his bedroom. He called my mom and told her what happened. Soon after I felt my phone buzzing with her call. She sighed and told me, "Look, sweetie I know you've been through a lot but, this drinking and fighting needs to stop. It's taking a toll on you and us, eventually you're going to wind up in jail if you continue down this path." I replied with, "You think I want to get in these fights all the time? Because I don't, people are just assholes." My mom hung up whispering to herself, "Why do I even bother?" Now I felt like absolute shit, so what did I do? I went into the medicine cabinet and started to eat some pills. I guess this was my way of coping. I'm always going to be fucked up.

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