Trouble Times.

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They were all still sitting on the benches by the lake when Kendall arrived.

"Hey guys." They all just nodded her way. "Have any of you seen Aaron? I have been asking around and no one has seen him since last night! I don't get it! Where the hell does he go during the day?"

They all shook their heads and she ran off.

Mia sat there with her head still on Louis' shoulder wondering the same as Kendall.

'Where does Aaron go during the days? Why is he never in the dining room? Why does he keep so much to himself? Why would he do this to me? What the hell did he ever see in me? How the hell could he like Kendall? Why is Ana such a selfish bitch? They're perfect for each other. Don't cry Mia. Why would anyone ever hurt Louis? He is just a big much-ball. He's adorable! He smells like a lighter version of Abercrombie's cologne, with a hint of ginger and pine-cones. Why am I smelling Louis? He still smells the same. It's lovely. Mia stop smelling him! I like Sarah and Marco together. They're really cute. I wonder if Louis and I look that cute together! Ugh shit... I shouldn't be saying Louis! SHould I tell him? Maybe he can take me to the doctor tonight! Oh shit!! I need to get a train ticket! Shit.'

"I am really sorry, but I've gotta go get a ticket." Mia jumped to her feet.

"A ticket for what?" Louis asked.


"Umm... I'm going to see my friend a few hours away this evening and I need to go buy my ticket."

"Okay. I'm coming." They walked over to the computer lab at Flag12.

On the way there Mia kept persisting that Louis went back, but he kept saying how awkard it would be to stay there with the other two locking-faces.

"What is this?" Aaron walked up to the two.

"Nothing Aaron. Goodbye." Mia walked past trying to dismiss him.

"What? My girlfriend won't tell me why she is walking and talking to another guy? I'm shocked."

"I'm not your girlfriend you asshole."

"Oh yeah?"


"Well you were my girlfriend? What happened Temple?"

"I caught you with Kendall last night. And no, Grey, I was never your girlfriend. Now move."

"Where you going?"

"None of your fucking business."

"Wow chill Mia." He walked closer to her and put his hands on her shoulders so she couldn't walk any futher. Louis stopped and watched.

"Aaron move. Now."

"Tell me where you two are going or make me move."

"Fine! If you must know, we are going to the internet lab so I can buy my train ticket to go out tonight!"


"Move Aaron!"


He refused to remove his hands, so Louis walked up behind him, picked him up and placed Aaron out of their way next to the path.

Mia began to laugh, and Aaron began to shout.

"How fucking dare you touch me!"

"Oh yeah? How dare I? Do you want to fight me, you little shit?" Louis was not much taller than Aaron, but there was enough difference there to make Louis seem more dominant.

Aaron turned around and stormed off.

"Thanks." Louis nodded and they kept walking.

The rest of the day flew by as Mia spent the day with Louis playing tennis and running around with Sarah and Marco, all trying to avoid Ana, Aaron, Kendall and successfully did it.

Louis waited outside Paul's office as Mia went in and got a permission slip to leave.

Louis drove her to the station even after she insisted on doing to the 10 minute walk there.

Mia stepped out of the car and walked over to Louis' window.

"Thank you very much Lou. You're a hero."

"No probs. Just text me when you're here later and I'll pick you up."

They smiled at each other and he left. Mia took her seat on the train and they departed.

The train stopped, Mia got out, and walked to the doctor's office 10 minutes away.

Mia was walking inbetween two cars when a woman opened the car door and stood right in front of her.

"Oh sorry young lady..."

Mia looked up. It was her. Elizatbeth. Elizabeth Temple. Mia's mother.

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