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"Mia..." Elizabeth trembled.

"Mum....... Hi...." Mia trembled back.

"What are you..." Before Elizabeth could finish her question Mia slapped her across the face.

"What the hell was that for Mia!" Elizabeth shuttered.

"That was for breaking my heart." Then Mia slapped her again.

"Mia! Stop it!"

"And that was for Dad." Mia stood there feeling proud of herself.

"Please! Don't hit me again. What are you doing here? Why aren't you at camp?"

"I was! But I am.... Uhh...." Mia realised what the situation was. She realised the danger she was in in terms of being screamed at.

"Mia... Whats going on... You can trust me...."

"Can I? Really? Because last time I did that you stabbed me in the cheek!"

"The cheek? Whah? Why the cheek...?" She was confused.

"Well I'd imagine it would hurt a shit load if someone stabbed you in the... Getting away from the point! Muh... Elizabeth. If I could trust you why did you do this to us... To me! To James! Your husband!! Remember him?" Elizabeth took Mia's hand and walked over to a bench on the side of the car park, then they both sat down.

"Mia listen, please."

"No. No! You listen! Do you have any idea ANY IDEA WHAT YOU PUT US THROUGH?! Mum you ripped out hearts out and let us watch as you set them on fire! Jheeze! You have absolutely no fucking idea how I'm feeling, do you? DO YOU?! DID YOU EVER EVEN CONSIDER HOW WE WOULD FEEL! I MEAN HAVE YOU EVEN THOUGHT ABOUT US SINCE YOU LEFT US WITH BROKEN HEARTS LAST YEAR?!" Mia was screaming this with tears streaming down her face like Niagara Falls.

"Yes. Mia I think about you two every single day. I think about you and what you're up to; what James is up to; if he has found someone; if you have found someone! I am always thinking about you. Always."

"Then why did you do it? Why did you leave us Mum?" Mia began rubbing her eyes.

"You wanna know why?" Mia nodded.

"Because I was scared honey. I went to a dinner party for work and I got really drunk, and I kept thinking I wish James was with me, but he wasn't, and Simon the guy I work with was there... I don't really remember much of that night. But I remember taking a test a few days later and realising I was going to have a baby! And I thought that I could convince James that the baby was his and it would all be alright and everything, but when I found out I was having twins which ended up as triplets I know I was stretching too far. And I got scared Mia.... I got really scared. So I did the worst thing possible... I ran. And I hate myself every single day because of it..."

Mia sat there and took it all in. As she watched the familiar face, she noticed the creases in her smile and around her eyes were still there, and Mia noticed a million new things she had never seen before. Mia never thought her mother could even feel fear. That scared her.

"Mia from the bottom of my heart I am sorry." Elizabeth sobbed.

Mia didn't want to forgive her, but she knew that she needed to be there for her mother.

"So where did you go?" Mia asked.

"Simon, the three kids and I all live twenty minutes away from here. I'm just picking up a prescription for my son, he has chickenpox. Now will you please explain to me what you're doing here?"

How was Mia going to explain?

"I'm pregnant."

"What the fuck Mia?"

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