part one

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3rd person pov

a girl pushed the door open, holding it for the tall man who looked very similar to her as he carried two boxes inside the apartment complex. a large truck annoyingly blocked the street as the new neighbors began moving in. large, black headphones covered her ears as she uninterestedly shuffled around the many men carrying boxes. dark blobs circled her eyes, showing her exhaustion.

as the men moved upstairs, so did she. every few moments, she glanced back up until suddenly a boy was standing in front of her.

"my bad" she grumbled out, shifting to the side so he could move past her on the stairs. he half-heartedly nodded and continued walking in the opposite direction of her. paying no attention to the interaction, she continued walking upstairs in her slippers and large sweatshirt.

with loud music playing in her ears, she stood awkwardly in the corner as unfamiliar men shoved boxes and furniture around the apartment while her older brother directed them. she rubbed her nose in uncomfortableness, sighing under her breath as she grumbled to herself.

"no! not there!" nick sighed loudly, rubbing his eyes in frustration before trying to explain how he wanted his old couch to be placed. "gentle!" he gasped out, flinching forward as the annoyed man threw it down.

"it ain't my job to arrange yo house. do it yo-self!" the angered man spat, walking out as many followed behind him. the door slammed behind them as nick groaned loudly and fell against the cushioned couch.

"he's got a point though..." y/n commented, sitting down next to her brother.

"shut up" the man rolled his eyes sarcastically, rubbing his pounding head. she shrugged half-heartedly while he stood up and began to sort out boxes. she soon followed his action, her attention to the short hallway in front of her.

"i'm gonna go pick out my room" she called out, walking down the hallway and opening a door.

"whatever, just don't pick the biggest one or else-" he warned, only to get cut off by his younger sister.

his words echoed down the empty hallway while she walked into another room, hands in her sweatpants pockets. she turned her music up, not caring to continue the conversation as she explored her new flat. it was bigger than their last one. probably because of nick's promotion.

'just one more year and i'll be captain!' he kept repeating in excitement. but she wasn't as excited - there could still be a dark outcome, even if she moved. but, along with the problems of being a police officer, there were benefits.

after the bored girl finished her short exploration around their new home, she walked into a room to see nick beginning to unpack.

"can i go get groceries or somethin? it's so boring and i don't wanna unpack" she grumbled, like she often did. nick sighed and turned to face her.

"i guess, just don't go overboard. i don't have a lotta cash right now. and when you get back, you're still unpacking, you know that, right?" he added before she walked out. under the breath complaints fell into the air as she grasped his wallet from off the counter, grabbed some cash, and walked towards the front door.

as she turned the door and opened it, a short, beautiful woman stood in front of her. her hand was raised in a fist like she was just going to knock.

"oh!" she gasped out, chuckling awkwardly before clearing her throat. "sorry, just about to knock" she explained as she let her hand come back to hold the underside of a tupperware. y/n pulled her headphones down, now resting them against her shoulders.

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