part seven

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3rd person pov

knock knock.....knock knock knock!

loud knocking on the front door that eventually turned into practically pounding until nick jumped up from the couch, anger and annoyance bubbling inside him. he ripped the front door open, glaring at whoever was standing on the other side. the tv was still playing as he stared at a tall but shorter boy with clean braids and a puffy, old jacket with a purple hoodie underneath.

"yo-" he cut himself off, surprised to see a half-asleep, tall man with only basketball shorts on instead of a grumpy, tired girl.

"who are you?" nick cut him off, his voice raspy and annoyed. it was too early in the morning for him. unknown to miles, he had a graveyard shift the night before and had just gotten home only a few hours ago.

"im miles...morales?" he was weary, looking the taller man up and down. with softening eyes, they rolled in nicks head. he sighed as he remembered the boy his little sister had a boner for or whatever. she seriously never shut up about him.

"you here for n/n?" he asked although he already knew the answer. miles couldn't help but grin at the nickname for you.

chuckling softly, miles only nodded.

"yeah, she's still asleep...weirdo" he mumbled to himself, complaining even though he was asleep on the couch just a moment ago. "you can go get her, i'm too tired to even deal with her" he called out to him, leaving the door opened for the younger boy. miles slipped in, pushing his shoes off with the heel of his foot before stepping inside fully and shutting the door behind him. he walked down the long hallway, seeing the 20-something-year-old already almost asleep on the couch again.

he looked around awkwardly. he knew where the rooms and bathroom were because the layout was the same as his place. but he didn't know which room was hers, - who he assumed was - her older brothers, or her parent's room. as if psychic, nick grumbled just loud enough for miles to hear.

"first door in front of you"

miles nodded, walking wearily to her door before knocking softly. nick chuckled lowly and spoke up once again.

"just go in, shes still asleep anyways" he already knew his little sister's habits. without question, miles nodded and opened the door.


was all he thought as he looked around. it wasn't dirty or gross. just unorganized. posters of albums of all genres, shows he didn't know she even knew about, and video games he didn't know she played. as well as paintings of scenery all around her walls. her curtains were open, making him cringe as he thought about all the creeps who could easily watch her. a dresser-vanity thing was pushed up against the wall opposite of her half-opened closet. an easel with a half-finished skyline during a thunderstorm painting sat in the middle of the room - a stool right in front of it with a wood board covered in old paint on top of it. he didn't know she painted? he studied every detail, a small smile spreading on his face. he subconsciously assumed her room was simple, maybe even boring. he didn't even know why. but seeing her interests and hobbies expressed in her room made him smile

she was curled up in her rose sheets, heavy blankets pushed almost onto the floor. her hair was messy - scattered stands and chunks of hair all across her pillows. a spare pillow was hugged against her chest, her head resting against it as her abdomen rose and fell slowly. her somewhat chapped lips were parted slightly. his smile turned into a grin as he saw her in such a peaceful state.

debating on being a creep and just waiting for her to wake up as he took the opportunity to find out more about her, or wake her up. maybe he could do both...

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