part two

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y/n's pov

loud beeping shocked me out of sleep as i shot up, my chest heaving as my head followed the noise to see my phone.

'school' with a broken heart emoji filled the title of my alarm. i sighed and shoved the blankets off my bare legs before swinging them over my naked mattress, only to be met with a chill from the cold floor.

i shuffled around boxes as i tried looking for the box labeled 'clothes' in sharpie. finally, i found it, digging through mostly tank tops and sweatpants before finding some jeans and a simple white t-shirt with a graphic design on the front.

i tossed off my hoodie and began getting dressed, mentally degrading the idea of school to the point of death. i wasn't even worried about being the new student. i was worried i was gonna kill myself from annoyance of all my new stupid teachers.

after finally getting dressed, i fall against my bed, phone in hand as i scroll through the notifications filling my whole screen. i silently debate on if i care enough to do any makeup. 

deciding just on mascara and lip gloss, i finally leave my cold room, only to be met with an even colder hallway.

"nick!" i yelled out in annoyance. no response. "great" i grumble, realizing he was already at work. i don't understand why he's making me start school the day after we move in.

after turning the freezing temperature my brother refused to change, i dropped two waffles into the toaster while getting a glass of water for my dry throat.

when my waffles finally decided to pop back up, the middle was still cold. but, i didn't care. i grabbed them along with my bag and keys and marched out the door.

down four flights of stairs and i was finally in the lobby, headphones already on. and of course, there stood (who im guessing is) rio's son, leaning against the door with a displeased look on his face. his eyes shot up to meet mine, quickly softening as he sighed and walked up to me.

"you y/n, right?" his voice was deep and soft. he looked like he couldn't be more uninterested in me, which i honestly understand.

"yeah...?" i tilt my head, fully slipping down my headphones after only shifting one off my ear.

"my mom said i need-a walk you to school - or at least offer, i guess" he explained while shrugging, glancing off.

"oh... it's fine-" i was gonna tell him no, but then, i remembered her delicious food. "actually...mmm," i thought for a second, debating on which option to choose. "is there a chance i could get more tostones if you do?" i asked him, a small smile on my lips.

his head tilted to the side, confused by my request. "i mean - i guess?? i could ask?"

"great. ill tell her you walked me to school then," i told him while walking toward the front door. he looked surprised by my response but also glad he didn't have to walk an extra half mile to get to my school.

he obviously went to the academy a few blocks away from my new school. he was wearing a navy blue uniform, the pants a little too big but were held up with a belt.

"', ill tell 'er" he chuckled breathlessly and followed me out the door. walking a few feet behind me as i slipped my headphones back on and rubbed my eyelid, trying not to mess up my mascara.

exhaustion still reeked in my body but i tried at least a little to not seem like a zombie when talking to others. even if its a pain to, i do wanna get better.

after a few blocks, he was gone. left and went another route to get to his school, i assume. i didn't talk to him and was only planning on doing so when i went to get my food later. trust me, i love nick but jesus - that man does not know how to not burn food.

my heavy eyes drug through the crowd, scanning as if i would recognize anyone. until i did.

a girl with short, choppy black hair and 'preppy'-ish clothes on leaned against a locker near a group of girls who didn't seem to care about her.

even if she looked completely different, i still recognized her. i mean, how could i not? just as my heart started racing in hope, it turned to panic. all the warnings and stories of people who advised me just to leave her alone rushed through my head. would i even be able to? i came here to get away from her but i still feel drawned to her.

sucking it up with pain pricking my chest from guilt and shame, i walked away. trying not to be spoted even if it wouldnt matter either way.

finally, i reached the office, and a man was typing weirdly loudly on the computer. he glanced up to see me before sighing and continuing whatever he was doing on the computer.

"what do you want?" his voice drags like it weighs two tons. deep bags hang under his eyes like he looks like he wants to.

"schedule. im new," i mumbled back. im not gonna waste my time even trying to say anything longer.

"ugh, fine...." he continues typing before sighing and looking back up at me. "name?" he asked like it was obvious i should've told him from the start.


"spell that," he rolls his eyes. god, people are really hiring anyone nowadays.

"y...n....l...n," i tell him, rolling my eyes in return. but, he doesn't notice.

"god, give me a minute. printers slower than.... it's slow" he sighed, giving up on trying to be funny. honestly, as much as he pisses me off he gets me more than anyone else i've ever met. this how i come off to others??

as i try not to think about that horrible realization, i stand in silence while he sits in silence. the bell rings, making me jump slightly in surprise while he only stares forward at the printer as it slowly does its job.

after what felt like forever, he handed me the paper and went back to typing without a word. i took the hint and walked off, trying to read the class number in the splotchy ink.


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