part nine

49 3 41

miles pov

i felt my pants vibrate, shocking me out of warm sleep. i slowly slipped one arm from off her waist and into my back pocket where my phone was buzzing.

i answered, pulling it up to my ear and whispering harshly. "what??"

"i got us a job." was all he said back, not caring for my attitude. "meet me in half 'n hour."

"im busy right now, man." i grumbled back, rolling my eyes and feeling y/n shift closer into me.

"with what? that girl?" aaron's normally calm voice changed to one of annoyance. "you skipped last time to go hang out with her. i need you on this one."

"but i have t-" i tried to start but he wasn't having it.

"don't care. half an hour." my uncle spat into the phone before hanging up. i scoffed and put my phone back in my pocket. i turned to see her sleeping so softly against my chest.

i don't want to leave. but i have to. hopefully, ill be back before she even wakes up.

as i tried to follow along with my plan by slowly pulling away from her, she mumbled something incoherent and turned away.

'that makes this a whole lot easier' i thought with a chuckle. i stand up and try not to make too much noise on her messy floor. and as i look for my jacket, i realize it's raining outside. i smile as i also remember how much y/n loves the rain. anytime the sky gets cloudy she makes a comment about hoping it'll rain.

'am i for real smiling??' i catch myself, the smile dropping. now replaced with furrowed brows an a sigh. even as we get closer, i know she's still closing me off. it didn't used to bother me that much but i care about her more now. i want to know more about her.

i finally find my jacket hung near her door. the memory of me putting there finally come to mind.   definitely would've been more useful thrirty seconds ago...

i grab it, slip my shoes on and quietly slip out the front door. hoping, this'll be so short she wont even be awake when i get back.

time skip

the tired, sick girl slowly sat up, seeing an empty room surrounding her. she felt a weird sense of loneliness overwhelm her that she hasn't felt in a while.

after a few minutes of staring up at her ceiling and silently hoping he would come back, she stood up and went to the kitchen to make some warm tea with honey.

just as it was finished brewing, the front door slip open. she heard a panting breath walk down the halls quietly. she knew it was miles. she knew the sound of his steps.

he walked past the kitchen, not even glancing over. he headed straight for her room. but as he went to open it, he felt a presence behind him. his eyes darkened and he spun around, ready to attack the intruder looking for him.

but, all he saw was a sick girl blowing on gerry steaming tea in a pink hello kitty mug. his arms dropped and his quickened breath slowed.

"sorry, did i wake you?" he asked softly, embarrassment creeping up him as it dawned on him she thought he left for no good reason.

"nah. my throat hurt too bad. i needed to drink something." she shrugged and brought the mug carefully up to her lips.

"oh.." he wanted to explain. he wanted to tell her he didn't want to leave her. he had to. but, what was stopping him?

the awkwardness filled the room as she slowly drank her hot tea and he stood by her door like an idiot. somewhere, in the back of his mind, he had planned the day out. the two would share sweet, intamate moments. but that didn't seem to be happening any time soon.

when she was done, she stood up and walked past him into her room. "you don't have to stay. go hang out with whoever." she shrugged as it she didn't care but inside she was a little angry. he came over to take care of her and he couldn't even stay?

"no- that's not what happened.." he t tried explaining but as she turned back to look at him with those soft, tired eyes, the words dried up in his throat.

"then what did?" she ushered him on.

"my uncle needed my help with his apartment. he said it was an emergency but i begged him to let me stay, mami-"

"mami??" she stopped, her eyes narrowing.

miles eyes widened. he quickly tried to shrug it off. "yeah, and?" he grumbled out, but inside he wanted to scream.

"just- continue" she sighed as she tried brushing off that warm feeling in her cheeks.

"nevermind." he sighed and tried to talk his way out of this. "look, i don't wanna leave. i want to stay with you. and plus, you're sick. can i do something to make up for it?"

she thought for a moment, finally shrugging with a nod. "eh, yeah i guess" before walking and falling against the couch.

miles notorious grin bloomed on his lips. he turned to the kitchen. he didn't have to ask what she wanted. he already knew. (favorite food).

she had randomly brought it up in a convention and he made sure to never forget.

time skip

the two sat on the couch in comfortable silence as they ate their food and watched a comfort movie of her. everytime she would ask what he wanted to watch, he would say something like 'im supposed to be takin' care of you. you choose.'

and if you would ask him if he liked a certain movie or show, he would just turn to you and give you a look that made you shut up.

and now, here they are. both plates finished and halfway through the movie. but miles couldnt help but feel a burning question bubbling up in his throat.

and of course with his luck, y/n noticed. after a small cough, she turned and looked over at him. "you good?" she asked simply.

his head shot to hers, his throat now burning. "uhm...yeah. i just wanted to ask..." he tried using those conversations skils. it was just a simple question. why was this so hard for him? "can we lay like we were. like- in bed?"

he felt more embarrassment and nervousness than a gay kid in a confessional. would she say no? would she kick him out? would she think he was weird?

"like...cuddling?" she asked mostly just to hear him admit something she knew he found embarrassing. he nodded, glancing down against his own will.

she shrugged and nodded, closing the distance between them and leaning against his arm. hesitantly, he wrapped his arm around her waist, letting her now rest on his chest.

'this is normal for friends to do...right?'


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