part five

201 4 16

3rd person pov

"'well', what??" she snapped; insecurity filling her to the brim.

"well," he sighed, slightly annoyed at her impatience.  "i needa tutor. and last night you said you're really good at english. so, i thought i should ask you. but then i realized it's rude to not at least try and be friends?" miles explained smoothly. a loud sigh of relief came from her.

"why didn't you just ask me that from the start??" her head shook from side to side.

"what was i 'pposed to say?? 'hey! let's be friends so you can tutor me!'" miles mocked the idea.

"better than lying to me!" her stare hardened slightly. but, as she sighed, it softened again. "look, i'll tutor you. just be straight up with me. i hate when people lie." he nodded, sighing as well.

"yeah, 'ight." his words were softer than before. she noticed was how his slang almost completely disappeared when he was sober. but, his accent was always there. just thicker when he was high or tired.

silence fell over again as they walked into the lobby, swinging her bag over her shoulder. they walked up the stairs, y/n in front of him as he glanced around. the wires of her headphones stuck out of her hand. keeping them out in case miles wanted to talk again.

as they walked up the two flights of stairs before miles' before she finally grumbled out.

"what day do you wanna start?" barely audible, still looking away. miles' whole demeanor completely changed as soon as she spoke up. she was serious?

"any! we can start as soon as you want," he told her, a small smile on his lips.

"i asked what you wanted to do. not me." there was an undertone of annoyance in her voice. even if she was agreeing to do this, she didn't seem to want to.

"oh, maybe tomorrow or somethin'?" he suggested, a little embarrassed she called him out so bluntly. he didn't seem to understand why she cared so much he wasn't upfront with her from the beginning. it's not like he was doing it to hurt her.

"sure, text me when you want to" she shrugged nonchalantly. just as they made it to his door, he realized he didn't have her number.

"i don't have your number-" he called out, making her sigh and turn around, her phone now in her hand as she walked back to him. without saying a word, she held her phone out for him, motioning him to put his number in before she left.

in slightly uncomfortable silence, miles tapped his number in before handing it back to her. she nodded up for a second, sent a quick 'hi' and waved bye.

'is she seriously this pissed about me beating around the bush?? i wasnt even technically lying!'

he verbally sighed before unlocking his door. her footsteps now fainter as she made her way up to her place. before, it was more amusing to see how annoyed she got, but he didn't realize how dry she would act with him.

'well, she kinda always was...but, still. more then normal.'


melancholy  feelings ~m.m~Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat