beauty - [part one]

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Beauty and the Beast, except Beauty's a trans guy and the Beast is a vampire. 

Inspiration from Ben Alderson's Lord of Eternal Night

Notes: biting, bratty sub x dom, ftm POV, hurt/comfort, teasing with a feather, edging, vampire, sexy sexy yummy sex mmmmmmm delicious

I already have ideas for pt 2... comment if u want one

And vote, but idk what that does even. Love y'all 


I was lost. That much was obvious. 

My curiosity often led me astray, so it wasn't really a surprise. Didn't mean it wasn't annoying. But the good news was, I saw light. And light meant fire. And fire meant someone who made a fire. Which meant people. Shelter from the pouring, endless rain.

As I approached the light, the trees thinned. I started to notice more lights: each coming from a window. Of a palace. A castle. There wasn't supposed to be anything of interest deep in these woods...

I approached with caution. But what was my other option, really? I was drenched from head to toe, my hip-length hair heavy with water and slicked back over my scalp, tied at the base of my neck with a blue velvet ribbon. I had given up on using the hood to my deep blue cloak a while back, it hadn't been doing anything to help me. My calf-high boots were filled with water. My ivory tunic, leather corset, and brown trousers were all soaked. I would die of a fever if I didn't find dry warmth in the next hour or two, I knew it.

So I went through the slightly open gates, followed the path, and climbed the stairs to the looming doors. They were unlocked, so I let myself in. It looked even bigger on the inside: the ceilings were high, torches casting flickering ghost-like shadows on the intricate walls. 

"Hello?" I called, walking down the hall towards a large staircase. My voice was hoarse when I spoke, and it caused me to cough. It seemed the cold had gotten me quickly... 

"Is anyone here?" This time, the coughs racked my whole body, and I had to lock my knees to keep myself steady. I opened my eyes and everything was bent and crooked, and blurry, and i was dizzy, I think... I heard footsteps, and cursing, but they felt so far away. 

"Just keep breathing, and I promise I'll help you," was the last thing I heard before everything went dark.


I woke slowly. I felt a bed beneath me, more comfortable than I'd ever felt before. The sheets must have been silk. I opened my eyes to see a well lit room I didn't recognize. The curtains were closed, not letting any light through, and a blazing fire filled the fireplace. The room was painted with swirling strokes in different shades of blue and yellow. It reminded my of a night sky filled with bright stars. I wondered why this was the room I was placed in, out of all the options. I could tell, even in the dark last night, that this castle was certainly not small.

"You've woken," spoke a growly voice. I jerked upright, looking around until I saw my savior, and likely the owner of this castle, sitting in an armchair in a darker corner of the room. I could see him clearly, but there was not a bit of sunlight on him, as if he avoided it on purpose. He had short black hair, a little bit overlong as if it hadn't been trimmed in a while. He was very well built, his tanned face structured and toned. He was looking at me with dark eyes, but I couldn't quite see what color they were. Deep blue? Green-hazel, like mine? Dark brown?

"Do you feel better?" he asked me, and I could hear the concern in his voice.

"Yes," I said. "How long has it been? Who are you?" It couldn't have just been one night, I was really sick...

smut oneshots: ftm guys x cis menWhere stories live. Discover now