beauty - [part three]

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happy valentines day ;)

the second part of this has been deleted by Wattpad. I will rewrite it eventually.

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Notes: vampyre venom heat (lots of bites create heat symptoms, lots of oil, magic vibrator, thigh grinding, kitten-licking, bondage, cockwarming, biting (no blood), blindfold, bratty sub, overstimulation, pleasure tears, lingerie, mild ownership kink, praise kink


I'd been staying with Caedis for about a week now, and I had no real urge to leave. What waited for me outside of this palace was not anything I wanted to face, so I didn't. I rarely saw Caedis since the night when he fucked me, which was infinitely frustrating, because all I wanted was for him to do it again. But food and wine was always there for me in the dining room three times a day, even though I never saw or heard any staff. I still couldn't figure out how I hadn't died the first night I stayed here, but my curiosity was outweighed by my gratitude. I was alive. That was what mattered.

Caedis checked on me every evening, and had made sure I knew how to get around the palace and that I had everything I could ever need, but otherwise made himself scarce. As much as he had showed me around, the palace was still very large, so I spent my time wandering around. In the first week I was rewarded with a humongous library, lots of paintings and antiques, enough dust to fill a dozen jars, and a lot of boredom. And whenever the boredom hit I thought back to that night.

I felt heat pulse between my legs every time it crossed my mind. The way he got lost in his want for me was intoxicating. And it really was lust for me, not just for my female body. And then after, he had taken such gentle care of me... untying me gently, running a bath, and cleaning my drained body himself. I'd tried to finger myself some nights to get that feeling back—the utter overwhelm he had made me feel—but it was never the same. I needed his bite, and his thick, hot cock, and his snarling desperation. I needed him. Every time my clothing brushed either of the bites he left on me I shuddered, even though all of that feeling and most of the marks had faded.

I was wandering, like usual, when I stumbled into a hallway I didn't recognize. It was windowless, candlelit, and shoved into the back of the castle. Curious, I followed it to the end, where I found a door.

"Hmm..." I whispered as I pushed the door open. "What are you hiding, Lord Caedis?" The door, surprisingly, opened easily. When I stepped inside, my jaw dropped.

Sunlight spilled in through gauze curtains in a room the size of a small ballroom. One end held a huge four poster canopy bed with red velvet curtains, and one wall was lined with chests. The other end resembled a sitting room, with red velvet armchairs and sofas glittering in the sunlight. The whole room was covered in soft carpet, and the walls were a warm cream shade. It was a beautiful room, but something about it was odd. This couldn't be a regular bedroom—why would there be so many chests and cabinets? And the sofas, too?

I knew I shouldn't go so far as to look in the chests, but what else was I to do? Anger shot through me as I thought about Caedis' abandonment. Why shouldn't I go through every item he owned? He could've entertained me if he wanted to. I would just have to entertain myself.

I went to the nearest chest of drawers and began opening everything I could. As I went, my cheeks burned redder and redder as I realized what this room was meant for. The first chest held lingerie bottoms of every color, size, and design I could imagine and more, as well as ribbons and jewelry that could be attached. The next held toys, some of which I didn't even know how to use, or where they went, and the next had a whole section of scented oils, and... Damn, how did a vampyre lord who lived alone in the middle of the woods get all of this? Why did he have all this? Caedis had alluded to his experience with other men before, but this was a collection. Another burst of anger shot through me at the thought of his using this stuff on other people. I really shouldn't get jealous over someone I just met, but the way he made me feel... It was addictive. Staring down at all the open drawers, I came to a decision.

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