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Kyle was ready to square up with cartman today. He was mostly doing this for Stan, but cartman always gets on his nerves so that was the cherry on top.

Kyle was so excited to kick his ass after so many years, it almost made him jump up and down cheering. Finally, the bus came to his street, and he sprinted over to Kenny, Stan, and the one and only, Cartman.

"Hey joo!" Cartman screamed while he spit out his leftover 'waffles and donuts' in Kyle's face. "Gross fatass! Go shit on someone else's day!" Kyle yelled. "Hey dude, wanna sit with me?" Kenny asked. "Sure, let me tell you the plans I have for today!" Kyle said, mischievously.


"So basically, your gonna beat his ass because he called your boyfriend gay?"

"No Kenny! First, he's not my boyfriend, and I don't think he's gay!" Kyle blushed.

"Ok- cough- fag- cough" Kenny choked.

"Hey! You can't say that!" Kyle shouted.
"Who said I couldn't- HEY BUTTERCUP!!" Kenny yelled across the bus.

"Yea Ken?!" Butters replied.

"Nothing babe!" Kenny screamed again.

Kyle widened his eyes. "Holy shit your gay! I knew it-" Kyle snickered.

Kenny pretended to zip his lips, giving Kyle the hint.

Finally they had gotten to school, and fatass was going to be rushing to the hospital.

Cartman insulted Kyle one or two more times, before they went to Mrs Chokondicks class. God, Fatass is gonna be sorry he never spread a rumor about Stan.

Everyone got settled down,and before you know it fatass was yelling insults faster than when your dad left you.

Why does the author make me so mean sometimes? Kyle thought.

"Hey fag!" Cartman shouted.

Alright, that's not fucking cool. He got out of his chair and pulled Cartmans red sweatshirt to the ground, he let go once Cartman was busy complaining.


Kyle punched his right in the eye, "Oof man, gotta leave a black eye." Kyle chuckled. Punch after punch, Kyle finally relaxed and let him go. But not before long, when Stan told him stop. Unfortunately, Kyle thought Stan was the principal or a classmate trying to beat him up.

Kyle punched Stan right in the nose, and Kyle immediately got up and ran out with Stan grabbing the nurses pass.

"Are you ok Stan?" I said wile knocking on the nurses door.
"Um- Yeah, I guess. I'm sorry I shouldn't have been telling you to sto-" Stan got interrupted by the nurse bringing both of them in. She looked unfazed because they just came in earlier in the week.

"Come in." The nurse said.


"Alright Stan, see you tomorrow to hang out at my house?" Kyle asked "Sure! See you soon I guess." Stan answered.

Kyle walked to his house the rest of the way, opening the bright red door. Ike spit at him when he first came in, "Do you wanna play kick the baby again?!" Kyle threatened. Ike ran away, and Shelia came out of the shadows. "I heard you gawt in a foight with your todawy!?" His mom shouted at him.

I can't wait for tomorrow. But I can't keep hiding my shit from Stan.

Kyle slammed his door, getting his headphones and playing some Tyler the creator. (Ifykyk 🙉)

Should I tell him when he comes to my house? Is he going to still be friends with me? What if I confess I love him?

There goes Kyle and his over thinking. He pulled out his diary and wrote some stuff in it.

February 26th, 2018 (not this actual date lol) I think I should confess to Stan tomorrow.

I wonder if he likes me back?

A few days ago, Token raped me. It wasn't the first time he'd done that, and I know it isn't going to be the last. I already told the cops, and they don't believe me. I wish this would all end. Please.


Suddenly, he heard a knocking on his window. He looked over and saw Stan. "Stan?! What the fuck are you doing?" Kyle whisper shouted.

"I was going to starks pond, but I saw you crying through your window." Stan said.


700 words. Ily!!

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