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This is going to be uploaded tmmr but I'm working on it and finishing it at 2am lol

"STAN WHAT THE FUCK!?" Kyle shouted as Stan giggled.
"Oh hey Kyle, sorry forr the messss" Stan slurred his words.
Kyle choked on his tears, pulling Stan into a tight hug. "Stan, w- why would you do this to yourself?" Kyle sobbed.
Stan patted Kyle back before going into his room, jumping on his bed.

Kyle ran out of the bathroom chasing Stan.

"Why?" Kyle asked.

"Cuz I don't wanna be a fag dude! I'm over here crushing over you while I just broke up with my girl friend a week ago!" Stan slurred again. He chuckled to himself as Kyle stood in the corner of him room, proccesing what Stan just said.

"You- Like me?" Kyle choked on his own words, his eyes red and sore from crying, his hair wet from the rain outside, and his hands covered with blood from Stan.

"I try to ignore it bro, but it always comes ba-" Stan yawned at the end of his words, falling asleep as he moved his face now covered by the pillow.

(haha you thought buddie.)

Kyle sighed, groaning from all the drama that's been going on this month. He had joined Stan on the bed, holding Stan in his arms

Do other kids have to go through this?

Why did Stan do that to himself?

Was it my fault?

Kyle kept having these thoughts, and the longer he thought, the heavier the weights were on his chest.


"Kyle?" Stan asked grogglily. Kyle let go of him, getting up and covering his cheeks to hide his blush. "y-Yeah?" Kyle said.
"I'm sorry. I didn't think you would actually chase me here." Stan explained.

Kyle touched his shoulder, "Dude it's fine. I just want to know- why did you do it?" Kyle asked.
Stan immediately remembered getting Friend zoned and being ashamed of liking His 'Super Best Friend' , Kyle.

Stan choked on his words as he made an excuse, "My cat died." Stan blurted out.

"Stan, you don't have a fucking cat." Kyle sighed.

Stan looked away from Kyle, trying to hide the pain in his eyes. He looked at his arms, seeing the bandages that Kyle put on them, cringing at the thought of the pain he had to go through.

"I-i.." Stan stuttered.

Kyle intertwined his fingers with Stan's,"Stan, you can tell me anything; I'm your Super Best Friend."

Stan winced, and the words hit him like a brick.

He looked at Kyle, "I hated that i- felt this connection between us- I was ashamed." Kyle looked at him confused. "I...I love you Kyle." Stan blurted out.

Then, Kyle held Stan's cheek, and kissed him.

Well, that's what he wanted to happen anyways.


I love you Kyle.
The words kept echoing in his head.
He widened his eyes. He was having a literally dance party inside his mind. Then everything went black.

He fucking passed out.


Undiscovered Trauma [STYLE!]Where stories live. Discover now