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Stan POV:

Kyle passed out.

Holy shit!

My heat stopped for a beat and I widened my eyes. Is he ok!? I shook him.

God, I'm so stupid, why would I basically confess to him?! And why would I think he would actually kiss me?

Stan sighed, giving up and falling onto Kyle's chest, sleep falling over him again.


Kyle yawned and spread his arms out, but when he looked down, he froze. Why was I in Stan Marsh's bed?

I blushed at the thought,

no Kyle! Your not gay.

He quietly got up and put some clothes on.

He quietly got up and put some clothes on

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Or whatever idc

He went downstairs and put on some headphones and listened to Clario, wile making some scrambled eggs. (Fried is over rated!!)


Stan woke up feeling dirty, probably from the cuts he made last night. He got up and stretched before going to the bathroom and slicing his calf,

I'm a disappointment.

I'm a sinner.

I should die.

Kyle wouldn't care.

Stan chuckled to himself, looking at the 5 cuts he made. Stan groaned as he got up from the bathroom floor, outline the shower curtain and turning it on.

As he got undressed, he heard foot steps coming closer and closer.

He shouted, "I'm In Here!!" But it was to late. 🤨😩 (sorry I'm ruining the mood broskis..🤧)

"GAH!" Kyle covered his eyes, but it was to late. He already saw it.

He stayed there, not leaving because that wasn't the only thing he saw.

"Stan." He uncovered his eyes, and he saw the puddles of blood and Stan's legs were bleeding. Stan gasped and grabbed the nearest towel, but it was soaked it blood.

Stan slapped his hand on his face, And Kyle shed a tear as Stan covered the blood stained towel over his body.

"W-Why is it because of me? Why do you like me? Why are you ashamed on that?" Kyle stepped closer to Stan and put a hand on his cheek, but he didn't care, because his Super Best Friend was cutting himself.

Stan looked away.

"I-its not a choice."

Kyle felt a wave of pain in his body, like a gust of wind.

He gasped and fell to the floor, holding his chest, as Stan kneeled onto Kyle.

"I'm sorry Kyle, but being gay is a sin, and you know that." Stan's words kept echoingin his head, Kyle sobbing as he got up.

"Did you ever think that I liked you back? What would that do to our friendship?" Kyle held onto Stan.

San didn't try to pull away this time, he actually leaned into him.

"Everyone sins, Stan."

Kyle cupped his cheek, And Stan cried, trying to ignore his words.

Why is he right?

Stan looked up at Kyle, and pulled into him.

Their lips touched.

Kyle gave into the kiss, not caring that the floor was covered in blood and the shower was still running.

This moment, this moment in particular, was his favorite.

He was happy, him and Stan.

For the first time, it was him and Stan.


Wish I had the patience to write longer chapters, and don't expect them to be happy losers. Or else, it would stop here.

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