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Stan POV:

I started shaking intensely, my hands pulling my hair and my knees dropping onto the ground.

"Kyle." I said. One word made him bust out in tears, causing me to feel terrible.

I wanted to change it.

I wanted to change everything.

I wanted Kyle to stay.

I wanted to go with him.

Away from this shitty town.

I walked up to him, and pulled him into me.

"When are you leaving?" I responded.


I looked at him, seeing the pain in his eyes, but the problem was,

I didn't know how to fix it.

I was in pain, and he was in pain.

We sat on the bed, thinking to our selves.

Wait, what should I do about Tolkien?

Should I kick his ass tomorrow?

I cried into Kyle's neck as we hugged, not knowing what to do.

"I love you Stan." Kyle choked out.

It pained me more to hear those words, knowing he probably wouldn't hear it again.

He dragged Kyle downstairs,

"Let's enjoy it while we can." Stan muttered.

We got out shoes on, and went outside.

We ran all the way to Starks Pond, not saying a word to eachother.

The two boys came to a stop, as they sat on the wooden bench together.

So this is it.

Stan held Kyle cheek, leaning in to kiss him, and Kyle gave in.

His warm tears dropped onto his hoodie, as he hugged on tight to his boyfriend.

"I love you Kyle."

~6 Years Later~

Kyle POV:

Hello! I'm Kyle Broflovski, and I am in Harvard University.

6 years ago, I left my best friend, and went to Massachusetts.

My best friend's name was Stan, and I liked him.

The last weeks of living in south park, Me and him dated but, I had to move.

I'm 25 now.

If only now I could go back to him.

But now, I'm laying on mt Roomates bed, having a full on make out sesh.

I knew it was wrong, but I was wishing and thinking it was Stan the whole entire time.

His name was Craig.

He's pretty attractive, but he's not my type.

And when I mean "my type" I mean Stan.

And nobody.

I mean nobody,

Will ever be Stan.

I think I'm still in love with him. And it's kinda pitiful.

Stan's POV:

I sat on the couch, watching the news, smoking a cigarette.

It's pretty sad.

And, the fact is, I'm in fucking Princeton.

Yeah, you heard it.

Princeton University.

I don't even know how I got here, I don't even get paid for fucks sake.

Oh, you wanted a fucking update?

Well your not gonna fucking get one.

The update is,
My life is shit and I still cut myself.

I looked at the cuts as my shoulder.

I know it's a weird spot, but I don't have sex with anyone but Tweek, and he doesn't give a fuck.

What's the point of life?

I don't know.

I got up from the couch and groaned, sliding the balcony door open.

Finally I'll be at peace.

I'll see you in a few years Kyle,

Hope you have a good life.

Th1s 1s blur○r$d for th$ s4ke of y0ur S4N1TY.


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Kyle POV:

I hiss as I hop onto the couch, crossing my legs and grabbing the remote. Craig is sleeping, and I'm an insomniac, so it's a great pair.

I turn it on, to see a disturbing image.

This is NBC news, bringing you this scary news, coming from Princeton University!

26 Year old Stan Marsh Commited suicide and jumped off of his balcony, not even writing a note.

His Roommate, Twe-

I shut it off, staring at the black TV screen.

Tears stramed down my face, I couldn't move.

I was paralyzed.

Out of shock.



Why would- Stan, do this?

I cried to myself, sitting on the corner of my couch,

This was The End.


[New Book Coming Out In 2 Weeks.]

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