In Some Deep Shit Now

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Andy's PoV: When Onyxx and I walked out of the back room, the rest of the band except Ashley were waiting in the lobby. But in Ash's place was Mike Fuentes. The look on Oni's face was one of shame as Jinxx started to lecture me. "I can expl-" I try to tell him the news I got earlier, but he cuts me off. "I cannot believe you, Andy! Playing hookie at one of our shows to come get a new tattoo and hook up with some chic! And it's almost time for soundcheck! You're never late for that, or ANYTHING for that matter that has to do with the band. Unless some outside force is convincing you to skip. That outside force being HER."

What the actual fuck is his problem? "Why are you blaming this on her? She didn't do anything but give me a new tattoo I wanted to surprise you guys with because I thought you'd like it and what it represents, but never the hell mind! And we never hooked up, and as a matter of fact, Onyxx was the other surprise for you guys. She's been one of my closest friends since before I even wanted a career in music!" I then got in Jinxx's face and start yelling through gritted teeth. "And you have no damned right to talk about her in that tone of voice. She never did shit to anyone, especially not you. I thought I could show you this crucial part of my life, but now I see that none of you, mainly you, give half a fuck about it." With that, I storm out of the parlor, bumping into their shoulders as I walk out of the door.

"Hi, my name is Andy Six, and I support Death Row Tattoo Parlor." My automated voice says as I open the door. Damned right I do. And everyone involved in it, especially Onyxx.

Ashley's PoV: Today was the ideal day to ride; a good breeze with the just-right amount of sunshine in a quiet part of town. I'm following CC, Mike, Jake, and Jinxx to the parlor Andy's supposedly at. I think about what this girl he's so bashful about, and what type of person she is. I'm betting that she's just like him, personality wise. Mature when needed, a total goofball when needed, and everywhere else, for that matter. I wonder how deep the blush was earlier. It's really hard to make Andy blush, then merely a mention of some friend-girl/potential girlfriend of his makes him giddy. Damn, I need to meet her. The guys take a sudden turn without me noticing and I have to do a daredevil right turn to keep from missing that turn.

**Five Minutes Later, At Death Row**

I got off of my beauty after I parked right beside the others. "So, what are we gonna do when he comes out?" "Huh?" they look at me weirdly. "Well, we can't just barge in there, break into every room looking for him, and say that we have a right to do so. That's putting him in the position of anger at us, embarrassment in front of whoever's there, and shame because he knows that he never does this in the first place." I feel like the smart one here, being all authoritative and shit over here. Wait, where's Jinxx? "Where did Jinxx go?" "I think he went inside- oh shit!" CC realized what he was saying just as quick as the rest of us and we sprinted to the door.

"Hi, my name is Andy Sixx, and I support Death Row Tattoo Parlor." We looked at each other, realizing how long he kept this part of him away from us. "Damn, that must be old!" Mike's stating the obvious. "No shit!" "Where did Jinxx go?" CC asks an important question. "Hello? Anybody here?" I yell, and a woman with ginger hair pops her head out of a doorway. "Hi! Welcome to Death Row! I'll be with you guys in just a moment." She says in a sweet tone. "For the place being called Death Row, her tone made dying sound fun." Jake says from the back. "I know right! It's the irony of it that made me, Onyxx, and Razen- pick the name. Being cheery is a must for a business like this, to help cope with the jackasses that come in here from time to time. You can have the satisfaction of threatening to kill them without them noticing." She paused a bit on the last name, Razen. Wonder why? And why would anybody name their kid that?

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