Life Gave You Enough Scars. Why Are You Manufacturing Your Own?

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Onyxx's PoV: As Echo and I are headed to the bike, I get a text. But my hands and arms are full of shopping bags, so I won't be able to read it or reply until we get to the bike and load everything. "So, how exactly are we going to work this?" Echo questions as I pull out the backpacks and bungee cords from the saddlebags. "Pick three backpacks and shove as much stuff as you can into each one. Once we get all the bags filled, we will use the bungee cords to attach them to the bike while making sure nothing will fall. Get it? Got it? Good." I say as I free my arms of the mountain of shopping bags. I start putting smaller bags in larger bags, trying to make room for everything. Echo takes a hint from me and copies my actions and starts piling them into the three backpacks she chose.

"Got everything?" I ask once I finish shoving my stuff in the remaining three rucksacks. "Yup." I pick them up and start tying everything to the saddlebags after cramming what I could into them. I suddenly remember that I got a text. After I finish making sure everything was securely attached to the bike, I pull out my phone and read it.

Jaime- Check Echo's wrists when you get the chance. I found a bloody razor in Vic's bunk and he already proved that it wasn't his and that's where she slept last night.

Onyxx- Okay. I'll tell you what happened later since we're about to leave. Thanks for telling me Hime.

Jaime- Welcome.

I sigh and put my phone back in my cleavage. "Show me your wrists." I put it bluntly so she can't try to deny anything. "Wha-" "Show me your arms, Echo. Jaime told me what he saw in Vic's bunk." She sighs and pulls up the sleeves of her sweater. Mostly there are just lines, but there are a few words I'd rather not say here and there on both wrists. I envelop her in my arms, wishing the pain away from this small child. "I'm sorry. I just needed to feel alive." She mumbles into my shirt as she separates from me. "That's not living, doll. That's suffering. And you don't need to suffer more than you already have." She rolls her eyes. "Did everyone tell you my sob story already?" I scoff at her eye-rolling. Oh dear, I'm turning into an adult! "That's for you to tell me when you're ready. I wouldn't listen if they tried because I need to hear it out of your mouth." 

On an impulse, I bring her scarred arms to my lips and kiss them like a mother would kiss their child's scraped knee, even though this is much worse. After I finish, I see tears in her eyes. "No one has ever done that for me. Thanks, Onyxx." She whispers. "That's what an old friend of mine did for me a long time ago. See, look at these." I take off the bracelets on my left arm and show them to her. "I've never shown anyone outside of Anthony these. And now you know. They've healed, but I'm nervous about what everyone will say. I don't want everyone to think of me different because of this." I can't believe I'm talking about this with her, and it's even worse that she knows the pain. 

"That's how I am, too." She agrees with my logic. We stand in the comfortable silence for a few moments, then I have an idea. "Tell you what: if you take off that sweater, I'll take off my bracelets. We can show them that we have gotten through this and we will continue to do so together. What do you say, daughter?" We laugh at my joke. "Sure thing, Mom. Now, let me pull out a shirt here and change. Don't worry, I have a tank top under this." She gets into one of her bags and pulls out a Pierce The Veil tank. I take off the bracelets covering my arm and shove them into one of the bags. "Now, ride like the wind, Bullseye!" I shout as I start the Harley, then proceeding to put on my helmet and Echo follows suit. We joke and sing Disney songs on the way back to the venue, not having a care in the world.

{The next few hours is written in Daddy Should Have Never Raised Me On Black Sabbath, just saying. It's 'Welcome To The Circus, Alex'. It's quite entertaining.}

~Until Whenever, Jenna Rose

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