Time To Break A Record Without Smashing Guitars *cough cough* BVB *cough cough*

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{Okay, so I do know that every member of FOB besides Andy is either married, has children, or is married with children. And for the sake of the story, I'm going to make it to where they're younger than they really are so there's not a twelve-year age difference between Onyxx & Pete. So, PLEASE know your shit or know you're shit before correcting me. Love you all! Enjoy <3 }


Onyxx's PoV: "Ooh! A music store! Can we go in?" Echo's eyes light up as she spots a small-looking music store on the corner. Doesn't seem like much, just a small shack-looking place, but whatever it takes to make her happy. "Sure. Let's go." We walk in and the place is like heaven. I gasp in shock and put my hand over my heart as I see the mini-stage at the back of the store. "You could perform something, you know. On the stage back there." A blond girl with brown eyes tapped my shoulder.

"I saw how you were looking at the stage. My name's Brielle. I'll show you what to do to be able to perform, just follow me." I eagerly nod as I follow Brielle to the stage. "Just put your name here and put what song by what artist, the instrument you used, and the ranking you get at the end of the performance. We have a ranking system set by the employees where we give the performers a number from one to twelve, twelve being flawless. And no one's ever gotten an average of nine or higher in any category in over a decade, since Stumpy and the rest of his band last performed here."

"Wait, Stumpy as in Patrick Stump?" I ask, not believing my ears. "Yup. That's the guy. The log sheet from the last time his band performed is in a frame over by the stage. They got a ten, and ever since, no one has ever gotten close. So good luck with that." I thank the girl and go straight for the stage, Echo on my tail. "You want to do this with me?" "Nah, I'll pass." She says and I nod, understanding why she wouldn't want to. Confrontation can be torture. I see a guy sitting by a small table, looking bored to tears. He perks up when he sees Echo and I.

"Hi guys! Wanting to attempt to break the record? I bet Brielle already told you how long it has been since someone's broken that record Fall Out Boy made, like, twelve years ago." "I'm the only one going to break the record. Not attempt, whatever that word means." I release a bit of sass I didn't know I had. "Somebody's got their head in the clouds. Fat chance." The guy's obviously trying to get me nervous which is something I'm not.

"She'll get higher, not just to the record." Echo digs my hole deeper and part of me wants to tell her to shut up, but I know that if I do, this guy's going to give me shit for it. "Where's the signup sheet?" I ask the guy, wanting to get this over with. "Right here, Just fill it out these blanks and I'll get Brielle to write the official ranking when we get all the employee votes, since she's assistant manager." I nod. I wrote my name, the song by what artist, and what instrument. "Do vocal chords count as an instrument as well as drums?" I ask the guy.

"Yeah. So you're a vocalist AND a drummer? Can't wait to see that. And you're trying to beat the record-holders with their own song." I roll my eyes and start going to the stage before he stops me. "Put your REAL last name, not your celebrity crush. Fix it." He must not know who I think I am. "Incest alert! Why would I have a crush on my brother?!" I mock disgust. I swear this guy is pissing me off.

"If you think it's incest, prove it." "Fine then, I will." I pull my phone out and turn on Face Time and call Brendon. After only two rings, he picks up, sweaty and shirtless. The employee's face goes slack. "Onyxx Mona Lisa Urie! You didn't call your brother or anybody last night! How dare you!" "Bren Bren! Calm you man boobs! I just wanted to say that I'm at a music store in Chicago where Pattycakes has a ranking of ten in vocals. I'm going to try and beat it." He smiles like a Cheshire cat.

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