Cupid's Demanding Back His Arrow

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Please don't see
Just a [girl/boy] caught up in dreams and fantasies
Please see me
Reaching out for someone I can't see

Take my hand, let's see where we wake up tomorrow
Best laid plans sometimes are just a one night stand
I'll be damned, Cupid's demanding back his arrow
So let's get drunk on our tears

And God, tell us the reason youth is wasted on the young
It's hunting season and the lambs are on the run
Searching for meaning
But are we all lost stars trying to light up the dark?

Onyxx's PoV: That's all I've got so far. I growl in frustration and throw my pencil across the room along with my lyric journal. Yes, I write lyrics. And I like to sing them, but I never show others my songs. It's too personal, and I don't like to have my emotions and my life story under a microscope being analyzed like some science experiment. This is a song I want to dedicate to Andy once I finish it. If I ever decide to finish it. I've been stumped on it for ages! For almost two months, I've been trying to write a song for him and all I've got is a verse and a chorus. Nothing else besides that except for a name. It's just, when I try to put my feelings for him down in writing, it all comes out wrong. It's just too fucking complicated for my liking.

Oh, I must have forgotten to say that I'm in Andy's bunk on the BVB bus. I just needed his comfort, but since he was still doing whatever everywhere but there, this is as close to heaven as I'll ever be, for the moment. Or maybe forever. I growl once more as I start to have conversations with myself about all my problems. "You need to find a way to say sorry. Just swallow your pride for once, dammit Onyxx!" "But what if they don't forgive me? What then? I've lost my best friend, three more potential friends, not counting Jinxx. But then it'd be four if he chooses to side with the band. Which he probably will. What did I do to deserve this?" I bury my face in his pillow and breathe his smell. Cigarettes and vanilla; you'd never think the two together would be as blissful as I make it out to be. I sob into his pillow, cocooning myself in his blankets and eventually falling asleep, patiently waiting for the nightmare that's sure to come.

Andy's PoV: As me and the guys get ready for tonight's set, something just feels off. I'm saying it because I feel like something's wrong, but whatever it is could wait if I couldn't remember how important it is. "Andy! Almost done daydreaming?" Ash stares at me weirdly. "Yeah. Coming." I must've zoned out trying to figure out what was plaguing me. We all run out onstage, being welcomed by the fans. "How you doin', Cincinnati? I really fucking missed this place. So who's ready for some music?" I yell along with the crowd. "This one's Heart Of Fire." We start the song, and the rest of the show goes smoothly.

The Black Veil Brides' Set List:

Heart Of Fire

Rebel Love Song

Goodbye Agony


I Am Bulletproof

Knives & Pens

Wretched & Divine


Set The World On Fire

In The End

When we finished, I decided to tell CC about this uneasy feeling. "Well, go find out. I'll cover for you." He pats my back in assurance. "Thanks, man. I owe you lots. See you later." I practically bolt away from them and towards the bus. Something's got to be there, I know it. As I run through the maze of band buses, I bump into Brendon. "Hey. Are you alright?" He questions, gripping my shoulders. "Kind of. It's just a weird feeling there's something wrong." "With what?"

I sigh, knowing this was bound to come. Well, at least I didn't have to get pummeled by Onyxx's brother without having a say in what  happened. I relayed the story of what happened, including the scene at the parlor as we head towards my bus. "Damn. All that in one day?" I nod. "And there's a video of her singing at the pit not too long ago. Spencer showed it to me before I told her who I was." "I'll have to watch it some time. She's got a marvelous set of lungs on her." I say. "Dude, you have no idea. She had Ronnie fucking Radke crying into her shirt when she sang Brother! If you can make him of all people cry, you've got a bright future ahead of you." "Holy shit! I'm so gonna talk to him about that!" Now I've really got to see that video.

When we walked into the bus, I heard sobbing coming from the bunk area that sounded too feminine to be one of the guys. Ella and Sammi weren't coming until next month, so it could've been only one other person: Onyxx. We run towards the sound of her sobs and find her in my bunk, wearing my clothes. Wrapped around her were my blankets, which were in a cocoon-shape around her body. All of a sudden, her body begins to shake, trying to get free from the blankets. "Onyxx, darling, look at me." I tap her shoulder, but she doesn't do anything except for continue to shake. I try to shake her awake a few more times, but a limb flies towards my face before I even know what's going on.

"Brendon! Do something! She's not waking up and she's swinging at me!" I'm starting to panic, hating this helpless feeling. He comes in and climbs into my bunk with her, restraining her arms. I go to the other room to look at the damage done. It's gonna be a pretty good black eye. I walk back to where they are and see her trying to get out of his grasp, like a toddler whose parents are trying to clothe them. After a good minute of this, the writhing finally stops and her body relaxes in his arms. "Is she conscious?" I whisper as he carries her to the couch and sets her down. "She passed out. She did this when she was younger. She'll wake up in three, two, o-"

"Where am I? Brendon, what are you doing here? Andy...  DID I DO THAT TO YOUR EYE?!?!?!" I lightly chuckled as I sat beside her, setting a glass of water on the table in front of us. "Told you so." Brendon mouths to me. "On my bus, he came with me because I thought there was something wrong, and there kinda was. You did do this to my eye. But you sure do pack a punch, Oni. Anybody should be scared to get on your bad list." Her small smile lightened the mood by thousands.

"That is, unless she polite's them to death first." I add. Brendon joins in the laughter, getting Onyxx in on it as well. "Or make them get overwhelmed with emotion when she sings." Brendon elbows her sides. "I couldn't help it! I didn't want him to cry! Hell, nobody needed to be crying! I don't know if anyone will even let me live this down." She sighs in exasperation and embarrassment. "Well, that's one thing you won't have to worry about because you never will. It's on video and a whole bunch of different bands have it. You couldn't get to every single person by the time Warped ends." Her palm hits her face and slides down slowly.

"Who- Austin Carlile! That fucker's gonna die!" She smirks evilly. "And I have the perfect execution plan. Pranks. All tour. Three cheers for sweet revenge!" She clinks glasses with imaginary people and chugs the water. "You're a strange child, you know that right, Mona Lisa?" Brendon teases. Mona Lisa? Where did that come from? "And you're just now figuring out? Someone swapped my tickets to the funny farm with Warped tickets, so I'm stuck here till they get that sorted out." They laugh while I'm still trying to figure out why he called her Mona Lisa. "Oh, Andy. Forgot to tell you that my middle name is Mona Lisa, just in case you were wondering." That explains a lot. "So, how are we gonna prank Austin?"

{Okay, that wasn't necessarily bad, but nowhere near my best. Didn't change anything but the spacing.}

~Until Whenever, Jenna Rose

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