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~Next Venue, Next Day~

Austin's PoV: I've been sitting around the bus, doing next to nothing since last night. We have today off to give us time to adjust to the new state, and then tomorrow, we perform. All I can think about is how I'm going to ask Onyxx. You never know how hard it is to ask this question until the person's just crammed into your life in mysterious ways.

"What should I wear? TINO! Help me find something to wear!" I'm panicking because I'm trying to figure out what to wear when me and Onyxx go out. I don't want to look interested, but I don't just want to wear what I normally wear. We're going to a small pizza place, then to a frozen yogurt shop, and then I'm gonna ask her as we are eating fro-yo. Sounds simple, right? Wrong.

"Should I wear my black pants with the rip, or without the rip? And if I wear the ripped pants, is it too much to wear this shirt with the holes right there? And if that shirt's rip is too much for those jeans that already have rips, then should I wear the black pants without the rip to wear this shirt? Or get a different shirt entirely? And if the shirt without the rip looks too, um, stuffy with the black pants without the rip, should I wear the not-ripped shirt with the ripped jeans? I'm so confused already, and I haven't even thought of shoes!"

"Calm down, man! All you're doing is asking her one question after you go out to eat. You're not going to die if you wear the wrong thing. She most likely won't care!" Tino's trying to calm me down, but there's no way in Hell that it's working. "But help me! I'm stressed out right now, and we haven't even left the venue yet!" He sighs and goes through my luggage. "Look, wear these black pants, that shirt, this over that shirt, these shoes, and don't forget the Aviators. You're all set, now go get dressed. And if you come out complaining about your hair, I'm going to punch you."

"Down, killer! My hair is- oh shit, I forgot about my hair! Fuck Tino, what am I supposed to do with it?!" "Austin, don't make me punch you! You know I will!" "Fine." I sigh as I head to the bathroom to change. He gave me a pair of black skinny jeans with one rip in each knee, my Slipknot tee, a long'sleeved red-and-black-striped plaid shirt to go over the tee shirt, my black Vans, and my Aviators. You can't say that he has bad taste. I change, brush my teeth, put on cologne, and gel up my hair. I waltz out of the bathroom with a smug look on my face. "I'm ready!" "Can it, Carlile! None of us care about how ready you are to go out with Onyxx. Just get out already, man." Alan yells at me. Despite his words, I can tell that he's joking. "Fuck you, man. It's not what you think." "To Hell it's not! Look at you, you gelled up your hair, for Christ's sake!" Phil joins in. "You'll see when I get back. Bye, guys. Thanks for helping, Tino!" I shout the last phrase as I head out to get Onyxx from Panic!'s bus to start our afternoon.

~Five Minutes Later~

I knock on the door of the bus, and Brendon answers with a smile on his face. "So, you're doing it tonight? Good luck, man. It's a touchy subject for her, so just be careful how you word it. And don't get her mad. She hits harder than you think. Other than that, go have fun." Brendon welcomes me inside to wait on Onyxx. "ONYXX! AUSTIN'S HERE! HURRY UP!" Brendon yells toward the back, where I assume she must be getting ready. When she walks out a few seconds later, I'm happily surprised at what I see.

She's wearing a white-and-black-striped plaid shirt with the sleeves pulled to the elbows over a My Chemical Romance shirt, a Pierce The Veil snapback over her hair, black TOMS, purple skinny jeans, a black clutch in her hand, and did I mention that she DYED HER HAIR LIME GREEN & BLUE TIE-DYE?!?! IT LOOKS AWESOME ON HER!!! {Picture at the top is what it looks like, just saying.} "Hey! Love your hair, by the way? How did you find the time to get someone to do it?" "Oh, I did it myself. With some help from Brendon and Dallon, of course. Glad you like it. So, are you ready to go?" She beams at me. Oh, this is going to be harder than I thought. "Yeah. I'm driving. Let's head out!" She gives her brother a side hug before she walks out of the bus, me trailing behind.

Razen Hale and Other Demons (Warped Tour Love Story) (Panic! At The Disco Sibling Story)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat