Love Rivals!?!?!?!

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Third Person POV

Rogue took the scent of the person and growled. " It's the guy who destroyed our guild. I remember his scent from last time,"


The lights flickered on again, and the whole capital lit up.

"Well well well," Zero said as looked their way. "Look at the losers. Do you really think you can beat me?" Zero questioned.

"Look all we want is to know is your goal. What are you planning to do?" Juvia asked.

" Heh, your being a bit nosy there. Buuuuttttt, nothing in particular...." He said while smirking evily. " Well got to go I've got things to take care of," He disappeared and that's when they noticed all the body's on the ground.

"  I'll go find the Princess, you guys can check if the guards are ok," Juvia commanded. They both nod their heads.

With Juvia.....
She opened up the door to the Princess room and saw her sitting on her bed, with her trusty guard Arcadios. " Who are you?" Hisui asked.

" Juvia Lockser, from Fairy Tail." She replied.

" Is that guy gone? And what happened to all the guards?" Arcadios said in a worried tone.

" No need to worry. The guy is gone so you guys will be safe. But the guards are all down," Juvia said while frowning.

"Thank you. Anyways what did you guys come here for?" Hisui said.

" The job," I hold out the sheet that held the information.

" Did you bring back up?" Arcadios questioned.

"Yep!" I say as I smile. " Follow me,"

Juvia leads them to Rogue and Gray.

Rogue's POV
We finish waking up the guards from getting knocked out. Then we waited for Juvia-sama to come back with the princess.

" Do you like Juvia?" Gray asked randomly. I blushed.

" Why d-do y-you ask," I answer.

" Just wondering," He says.

"JUST WONDERING!!!" I yell in my head. " I-I guess s-so," I say quietly so only Gray can hear. " How 'bout you?"
I question him.

" I think I like her to," Gray said while blushing too.

" Soo I guess that makes us, Love Rivals?!?" Rogue says.

" Well I guess so............. so bring it on. Buuuuttttt we still are going to act the way we are to each other. I mean, I don't want to be mean,"

We stopped talking when we heard footsteps coming our way.  Princess Hisui and Arcadios were with Juvia-sama.

" So about the job....." Princess Hisui said.

Hope you liked this chapter. Excuse any mistakes!!!! Who will win the battle of love Rogue or Gray. ( Well of course Gray.)
Sorry Rogue!!! T-T I'm sad for you. Anyyywaaayyyysss. Peace OUT!!!!!

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