Chapter 32

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There were a few gasps, but my eyes were on Damon. He did not react, but I could see the teeth inside off his jaw clenching. I sat back down and sipped on my glass, the air was thick enough to slice, everyone was still silent,waiting for Damon to react. It was Daphne that finally broke the silence,"did you not know that it was a black event?"

"No, I did," I said and raised my glass for more champagne from the staff," but I think the red is much sexier."

Damon did not mention the dress, and slowly, the crowd moved on.
"Did you manage to find anything out?" I asked Tiffany when I was sure that no one could hear our conversation.

"Yes, I overheard Luke talking on the phone, I think the prison is in Sorrow Forest , near the vervain plantation."

"What's a vervain plantation?"

"It's a plant that keeps the vampires weak, so they don't escape. The prison is underneath, and that's where the silver is, but there's been some trouble, a few vampires tried to escape a few days ago, Luke was out all morning dealing with it."

"How far is Sorrow Forest?"

"Not far, maybe half an hour or so, but it doesn't matter, it's a deathwish-"

"It's our only choice-"

"Sh, shut up!''

Daphne entered the conversation with the bottle in hand," more drinks ladies?"
Sometime later, I grew tired of the meaningless chatter and fake laughter. I could not bear to hear them recite again the massacre of those poor villagers.

"There were hybrids from The Stationary in New Brunswick waiting for them at the next prison, they staked every single one of them."

"Five hundred and one filthy bloodsuckers to be exact."

"And not a single hybrid was killed."

"My son traveled from The Stationary here to fight, he alone killed thirty of them."

"We should do it again, as quickly as possible! Up in Alaska there's a vampire clam that feeds off the prison there, and the one a few towns over."

"This is the greatest idea you've had, Alpha."

I rolled my eyes and got to my feet to make my way outside for some fresh air. Damons hands wrapped around my wrist and he pulled me down to his face.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"None of your business," I shook my hand from his grasp and hurried past the security. While I made my way through the crowd, I couldn't help but peek again at the cage above me. What the hell was inside?
I burst out into what felt like a relief of fresh air, I could feel the oxygen replenishing my lungs, I did not realize just how suffocated I had felt in there. There were a group of men smoking a cigarette.

"Can I have one?"

The men seemed taken back. Surly, they recognized me as Damon's doll and decided to hand me on. I leaned forward while one lit it for me, the others examined my dress. I grimaced my thank you and stood a few meters away, my back against the cold brick. I had to ask Damon about the vampires that made the silver, I needed to know where the prison was, I did not care for the risk anymore. I reminded myself to wait until he's had a few more drinks. The cigarette seemed to ease a little of the stress, I could understand why people smoked now.

The devil himself suddenly appeared. He had taken his jacket off and was now in a silk black button up. He had the sleeves rolled up revealing his tattoos. He grabbed the cigarette from my hand and smoked it," that was a cute stunt you pulled in there."

"You didn't seem to find it so funny," I teased.

"I said it was cute, not funny."

I rolled my eyes," what do you want?"

I want to both rip his clothes, and I want to kill him.

"I wanted to show you something," he blew out the smoke and pulled out his phone. I leaned in with curiosity, I watched as Damon scrolled through his camera roll and stopped on a recording. The video displayed an angle from above the door of our bedroom. It was a camera recording of Evan and I from yesterday. I felt my gut sinking to my knees, I watched as Evan leaned down and kissed me. The only silver lining of the entire citation was that you could not hear us talking. I cursed myself for never noticing the camera.
Damon put away his phone and took another hit from the cigarette.

"I just had these installed a day ago," he said.

"So you're spying on me now?" I blurted.

"I told you not to see him again-"

"He lives in the same fucking home as me! We're both prisoners in your house for fucks sake!"

"And the kiss?"

"Was nothing."

Damon did not respond.

"What are you going to do to him?" I asked.

"What makes you think I haven't already?"
Once again, my stomach sank.

"You didn't."

""What don't you understand? You are mine, I own and command you from the moment I laid eyes on you. From the air that you breathe to the very earth that you walk on, you shall praise and condemn me. There is no other lover for me as there will never be another for you for as long as I am still breathing."

Damon tossed the cigarette onto the pavement and stepped on it as he made his way back inside.

"Shit, shit shit!" I whispered to myself and blinked tears that already spilled onto my face," shit, SHIT! Im so fucking stupid!"

How could I have been so careless and dumb?

I had to go back to the house and warn him, or at the very least find a phone and call Maria so that she could tell him. I realized I didn't memorize Maria's phone number.
Maybe he's already dead, maybe Damon already got to him.

I burst back into the party and through the crowd. Damon was seated next to Luke.

"I need the keys to the car," I yelled at him.

He didn't even look at me. I realized that everyone's attention had averted and the crowd in the middle had separated, forming an opening in the center.

"What's happening?" I asked Tiffany.
"They're doing a live display of how they've been killing all the humans," she responded coldly.

"What do you mean?"

"They are going to gas whoever is inside."

The cage was slowly being brought down by thick chains. I looked at Damon who was looking at me with a grin that chilled my blood. I looked back and the cage was now on the ground. Inside, there was a standing prisoner, hands and feet tied to a massive pole at the center of the box. I squinted my eyes to get a better look.

Inside of the cage was Evan.

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