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The large buck stood in the grassy area just outside the tree line, nibbling on the tender shoots as evening settled in.  He raised his head in alarm, sniffing the air when his senses alerted him. Several does walked daintily into the meadow near him, as he watched. He tossed his giant rack of antlers, reassuring the females he would protect them. The small group relaxed, unaware of the giant predator watching from the trees. 

Black as the night, larger than the buck, a monster waited silently, not quite ready to pounce. His golden eyes never left the buck, watching every movement it made, waiting for the perfect moment to end its life. Saliva dripped from his mouth, his anticipation for the meat strong. This would satisfy both his hunger, and savage need to kill. His attack lasted seconds, tearing the buck's throat out, holding until its last breath. It was a good night.

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