Chapter 8-Defending Wheaton

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Evening settled in as Guy headed back to Nottingham. His horse Jack, shied, almost throwing him, as a large red wolf dashed in front of him and into the forest. Guy dismounted and tied the horse, then entered the canopy of trees. He removed his clothes and quickly changed into his massive black wolf. He picked up a rather familiar scent. Tart, like lemons, with a hint of musk and lilies. Almost overpowering. His wolf sneezed, then stopped, as the red wolf turned on him. A female with a menacing growl. Guy changed back to a man. "Esmerelda, what are you doing here? This is not your territory." 

The female stalked him, her teeth snapping as she did so. Guy watched her, but did not back down. "Change so we can speak, Esmerelda." The wolf snarled at him, her hackles up as if to attack. Guy kept his eyes on her, and made the alpha command again, "Change!"  This time he heard a whimper, and she did indeed change into human form. 

The woman before him was tall, not unattractive, but with a hardness around ger eyes that belied her character. Her hair was dark, her face flushed. Guy knew her as a woman lusting for power. He had never been attracted to her, but she had latched onto him, sensing his power and strength. As had her father. He saw Gisborne as a suitable mate for his difficult daughter, and as a wolf to lead his pack when he was no longer able. Challengers would think twice before attacking him with Gisborne at his back.

"I was only toying with you Guy, you needn't have used your alpha voice on me. It isn't polite to speak to your mate in that tone," she said, moving closer. 

"You madam, are not my mate. I ask again, why are you here?" He was aware of her nude body, as he was of his, and while shifters were used to nudity, Guy was not happy to have her so close. His wolf was snarling at her. 

Esmerelda came even closer, reaching out to touch his chest. He brushed her away. "You know you are to marry me and take over our pack from my father. This has been decided," she hissed, angry at his rebuff. Then she stopped, sniffing. "Who is she?" she demanded. "Who dares to touch what is mine!" 

Guy used his alpha on her again. "Stop! This is nonsense. I have rejected you and the pack. I wish no obligation to you or your father. I ask one last time. What. Are. You. Doing. HERE?"

The she wolf backed up, knowing he would attack. "My father is here, on business with the sheriff. We were unable to contact you before coming. I assume it was important. I came out to find you." She stopped and moved closer once again. "Really Guy, you have been alone long enough. I can tolerate the smell of another female on you, but I don't like it. I have had many liaisons of my own, but you and I are destined to rule."

Guy took a deep breath. The woman seemed to not hear a word he said. "Get your clothes. I was heading to Nottingham. Make sure no one sees you." He walked away, to find his own clothes. they rode into Nottingham together, and the folk in town could see the glare in Gisborne's eyes. They knew to stay away from him. 

His squire, Alan a' Dale, met him. "Sir Guy, you are wanted in the Sheriff's chambers. I'll see to Jack. Then I'll be outside the door if you need me. Guy nodded, then walked to the castle, Esmerelda following behind. As they entered, the Sheriff motioned him over. He was uneasy about the big man in front of him and felt more secure knowing Gisborne was at his side. While he knew nothing of the wolf before him, he sensed the danger, and felt safer now that his sworn liege was by his side.

"Gisborne, I have hired Conner Laughlin to help me with an issue. You will give him any support necessary, without exposing us to Prince John." The sheriff narrowed his eyes. "Connor has offered his services in return for your marrying his daughter."

"What!" Gisborne roared out. "That is impossible. I have already informed both Connor and his daughter this will never happen." 

The sheriff was placating. "Now, now, Sir Guy, she is not bad to look at. You could do worse. The Lady Marion was worse," he said snidely. Esmerelda spoke, "Who is this Marion you speak of?" 

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